The boy wearing my name

484 19 7

Song: Sleep baby Sleep - broods
Lol go read the one shot my little franta fanatics.

I walk into starbucks and go over to stand in the line. "Hey Connor! Just the usual today?" One of the employees named lilly says from behind the counter. I nod and sit down on one of the big purple seats and sigh. Perfect.

This is my favourite place to just sit, listen to my music and escape the YouTube world when it gets too much. There's always a chance that there will be a fan or two around but I still love my fans and always talk or take photos with them when I can.

But today I wasn't feeling it.




And I was practically avoiding everything and everyone in sight. My knees were pressed up close to my chest and my phone sat loosely in my hand but there was no way it would fall. I decided to open tumblr and scroll through the new tags but my attention towards it is soon gone as I hear something.

"Troye with an e!" Lilly calls out laughing.

Troye? I've never heard of a boy named Troye here. Especially one with an e. And that's weird because I know basically everyone here. I mean in a small town like this wouldn't everyone? I look around the room as I see a boy stand up. He has his hair in a quiff and it's just holding. It looks effortless. He grabs his coffee, thanks lilly and then he turns around. As he walks to the door I see something that causes my mouth to fall open.

His wearing the jumper.
The jumper with my name on it.
I hug my knees closer to my chest as I feel a blush arise on my cheeks.
I'm not sure why I'm shocked by this though.
I've seen plenty of fans wearing my jumper before.

But there usually girls.

And there usually alot younger than me.

Lilly has noticed that I was staring at Troye and is laughing so hard that her face is red. I glare at her which, sadly, just makes her laugh harder. I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to Troye who is actually looking at me causing me to jump in my seat. He laughs a little and flashes me a toothy grin before walking out the door.

Wait. What?

The boy has my jumper which makes him a fan, right? Then he sees me and he doesn't run over to me asking for autograph or a photo. What? I run out of store trying to figure out what just happened. "CONNOR!" I hear lilly yell causing me to walk back inside  quickly. "Your coffees ready," She says sweetly. "Thanks," I say, grabbing it and running out. I was definitely confused about this boy but that doesn't mean I'm going to leave my coffee. What kind of mad man do you think I am?

I see Troye turning the corner and I run up to him, "Hi," I say. "Um hey," He says giggling. Oh. My. Gosh. He smiles at me. "I'm Troye," he says. "I'm Connor, but you probably know that," I say smiling. He looks at me confused. "What do you mean," He says. "Well you're wearing my jumper," I say rubbing the back of my neck. "I'm pretty sure this is mine," He says laughing causing me to smile. "No I mean you're wearing my name," I say.

And then his smile is gone.
His face is drained of colour.
"'re...Co..nnor Franta?" He stutters.
"Um yep, thats me," I say worried. "Are you ok?" I ask.
We stand in silence for a bit.

"My mum gave me this jumper before she left 2 years ago," He says. I look at him. "Where'd she go?" I whisper quietly. "I.. I don't know," He stammers. "But she told me to find you. She didn't give me any numbers or an adress. She just told me to find you," He breathes.


He wraps his arms around me and crys into my shirt. "I found you Connor. I found you. And I'm never going to let you go," He says crying harder. I stifen at his touch but soon pull him closer to me. "You found me now Tro," I say kissing his forehead. "Don't ever let me go,".


Hey you, guess what?

IM HOME! IM HOME! IM HOME! *kisses bed* *kisses secret stash of skittles* *kisses block jumpers that wouldn't fit into my bag* *kisses wifi box*

And you know what that means?


Okay I'm probably the only one excited by that.

Also is anyone else going to see oh wonder at the southbound festival in WA, Australia in January next year? If so message me and we can meet up and scream the lyrics together like the crazy fangirls we are ;)

I'm pretty sure this chapter is about 760 words long so sorry for the short update :(

As always if you liked this chapter please leave me some love in the comments and remember to vote

Love you my sweets - oni xxxxx

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