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(A/N enjoy this really out of perportion drawing that I drew earlier. i cant draw well but aye I tried kids x )


"Connorrrrrrrr," Troye whined as he searched all over the house for his bestfriend. "Please come out, I give up,".

Connor giggled from behind the couch as he jumped up to suprise Troye "I'm here troye boy," He called. Troye rolled his eyes at Connor. "I knew you were there Con, I just wanted you to win," He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Connor rolled his eyes back and giggled again, wrapping his bestfriend in a hug.

Troye blushed slightly at the suprise and returned the hug, smiling to himslef. "I dont think we should play hide and seek anymore" Connor whispered im Troye's ear. "Yeah, I'm not actually very good," Troye whispered back.

Connor smiled at Troye and pulled him down into his bedroom. "Tro let's draw something," He said reaching for a bucket of crayons and some colouring in books. Troye's eyes lit up as soon as he saw the crayons. Troye loved drawing at home but he didn't do it at kindy because only the girl's did drawings and he didn't want to seem more weird then they already thought he was.

Being the only boy who wore pink sometimes and liking princesses more than pirates made him look really weird, but just to make it worse his Australian accent made it impossible for him to fit in with all the other kids. Troye was as much of a socail outcast you could be at the age of 5 but Connor was determined to befriend Troye and so after many weeks of convincing and conversations the boy's became best friends.

Connor passed the crayons to Troye as he opened the book to his latest masterpiece. It was of a sunflower that he had coloured in blue. Troye thought that it was the prettiest blue sunflower he had ever seen. Connor passed a book to Troye and started to colour a firetruck in yellow.

Troye flicked through the pages until he saw the most beautiful dress. He grabbed a purple crayon and started to colour in. Connor glanced over to see Troye's drawing and smiled, he loved that Troye did things that usually girls would do, he thought it was really original. He also loved it so much when his best friend was happy because he felt Troye's happiness was contagious which is why he wanted to colour in the first place.

Troye giggled as he held up his drawing to the older boy. "Do you like it Con?" He said happily. Connor put his hands under his chin to look as if he was thinking about his decision. "I love it Tro, would you wear something as pretty as that?" Connor asked when Troye had put the book back on the table.

Troye looked over at Connor, his eyes filling with sadness. "I don't think I could," He said quietly. Connor frowned. "Of course you could Tro, my sister Nicola wears princesses dresses all the time," He said grabbing the other boy's hand. "Yeah but Nicola's a girl and she's allowed to like that stuff," Troye said, tears glistening in his eyes. "Tro, toys and clothes aren't made for specificly girls or boys, they're to make you feel happy," He said sternly. "Come on, you can try one of Nicky's dresses on before she comes home,".

When Troye had finally looked through every single dress, he picked out a sparkly blue one and went to try it on. After a few minutes he came out of the closet looking like a real princess. The fabric fell around his ankles so softly and the sparkles on the dress matched the one's in his eyes. Connor never thought a boy could looks so beautiful.

"You look so beautiful Troye," He whispered. Troye giggled and twirled around in the dress. "Thank you Con Con, I feel pretty beautiful too," He said as he leaned in towards Connor. "I really wish I had a prince though," He whispered in his ear. Connor blushed a deep shade of pink while Troye walked over and picked up a plastic gold crown and then put it on Connors head.

"Would you be my prince Connor?"


here is a picture of troye in a dress just to please your needs

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here is a picture of troye in a dress just to please your needs

also who picked up on all my coming out puns

I love you guys

See ya next whenever

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