Part 1 The Fire. Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I was sitting at my desk tapping my fingers, bored. As my teacher Mrs. Podwell droned on and on. I sighed looking at the clock for the fifth time in the last 10 minutes. I felt a nudge on my shoulder. I looked back to see my best friend Rachal looking at me.

"Hey Hazel, lets go to the Mall tonight!" she whispered.

"I can't I'm going to the club." I whispered back. I meant the boys and girls club not a strip bar or something.

"Can I Come?" she asked. When I nodded yes she gave me a huge toothed grin. Making her rosy cheeks puff, with excitement. She played with her blonde hair, twirling it in front of her perfect icy blue eyes. I rolled my pale green eyes at her. She loved hanging out with me but I wish she wouldn't be there tonight. Bringing that thought to my head I looked guiltily down. I shooed it away and forced a smile.

"Hazel Stewart!" I jumped when my teacher yelled my name. "Would you so happily tell us the answer to the problem at the board?" I squinted at the small numbers. They didn't make any sense. "Umm I don't think I can Mrs. Podwell. I told you I can't see the board." My eyes have become horrible all of a sudden. My mom had ordered me a pair of glasses and contacts but they hadn't come in yet.

"Then walk up and do the problem on the board." Mrs. Podwell said annoyed.

"Fine." I got up to the board and saw the algebra equation. I finished it in just as the bell rang. I went to my desk grabbed my bag and books and left.


I walked, while Rachal made the conversation. "Great job on that problem, Everyone, even the teacher thought you weren't paying attention. Well you were but still you got it!" She said cheerfully.

"It was just an algebra problem. Just math. Lets talk about something else please!" I begged.<br />

"Okay, lets see, umm, did you here what happened to that guy?" Rachal said dropping her voice, even though there wasn't anyone around.

"What guy?" I asked not knowing.

"Omygod! You really don't know 'bout Richard Sterling?" She said like he was a big thing.

"What about him?"I asked alarmed. I knew Richard, we had dated in freshman year, but we had both gone our own ways this year. He had curly bronze hair and brown eyes. He was tall, and strong. Even though we weren't going out there was a part of me that still liked him. We had been going out for a whole year.

"He's gone missing!" She whispered. "Gone! Since Monday. Now its Thursday and they still haven't found him. Do you care?" She was scared. I could tell. Once I had broken up with him, she had started to like him. A lot! But she would never go out with her best friends ex.

"Yeah I care, I wonder if he's okay." I said lamely.

"Well..." I looked at Rachal she was choking on the words. "They searched for him at the park were he always hung out with his friends."

"And?" I probed.

"Well they found his shirt torn apart, and there was blood everywhere. His blood. So much blood that they presumed him dead." She finished sobbing. All I could do was stand there and hold her. While she cried for my ex, the one she likes now. No not like, she loved him. And I didn't care, she could have him. But part of me asked in my head, "What happened to him?"


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