Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! For two whole weeks I have been in my cabin. The guys wouldn't let me leave, for fear I would get hurt. I would only leaving for food, and to see Dodge. I was feeling so trapped!

I grabbed a small Vera Bradly money clutch and got ready. In it was over five hundred dollars. My savings from just baby sitting. And I could always go to a bank and withdraw some more.

I put on a pair of dark jeans with a pink sweatshirt. And left my black hair, it was almost down to my butt, down. No makeup though. I was all out.

I walked out and strolled past all of the guys.

"Bye!" I said, getting ready to change into a wolf.

"Where the hell do you think your going?" Ben asked.

"New York city. We are not that far away." I said simply.

"No." Ben said walking up to me. "Do you want to die?"

"How will I die?" I asked innocently.

"You might have a run in with your little vampire friends." He said smugly. "They all live in New York. A hotel. Some fancy french name."

A shiver ran through me. "I won't meet up with them. I just need to replenish my stuff. You know, makeup." I couldn't believe I had to explain this. "Girl things."

"Oh, umm maybe you shouldn't." Ben said. "Maybe someone should go with you."

"I will." Dodge volunteered.

"No." I said. "I need a day to myself."

"We never go out alone." Ben said.

"Well I am." I said stubbornly.

"No." Dodge and Ben said.


"NO" Ben yelled.

"No way, either you stay here or I go with you." Dodge said.

"Nope, I am leaving without you two." I said already walking. "I plan to get a new cell phone, I will call whoever has a phone straight away."

"I have a phone." Cameron offered.

"So do I."  Denny said.

"Okay just give me your number, and I'll call you when I get the phone. I'll just get a cheap one." I said, determined to get out of here.

Everyone was silent. Dodge and Ben were trying to find another excuse for me not to go, but there was none. If I got hurt I could always just call them. Simple. And I doubt the vampires would even recognise me. Except maybe the boy who changed me...

"Okay you should go." Dodge said.

"Wait, what?" Ben stammered. "She shouldn't!"

"Why not?" I asked. "Give me one good reason."

"Uh, well... for one.." He trailed off.

"Okay well I'm going." I said. "Bye."

No one ansered back. Fine be that way, I whispered.

I walked a little ways, until I hit my clearing. I put my clutch in my pocket, and changed into a wolf. All the amazing sensations flooded through me. Why did I even like being human? When I could be running through the beautiful autumn forest, seeing and smelling everything.

In no time I got to the edge of the forest, and I changed back. New York city was only a mile away. I could walk.

I had only been to New York once. With my parents. My Mom and Dad loved New York city, and had been thousands of time. I watched the horrible sky scrapers, polluting the beautiful view of the blue sky. Now that I am a wolf, I have come to view nature more apreciatively.

I grabbed a paper, and saw the date. November 20. My class always goes to New York city every November 20. What a coincidence. Just my luck, i would see one of them and they would recognize me.

I walked into many buildings, getting a new thick parka, and some warm boots. Also getting some new toiletres. Such as a tooth brush and deodarent.

Soon I was carrying many bags and I had a stroke of bad luck. I saw a blonde curly head, among a group of teenagers. Rachel. It was Rachal. I pulled my new sunglasses over my eyes and tried not to get noticed. They were going into the same store as me. Forever 21.


"Okay class, make sure you don't wander off by yourself. I want you all to have a buddy. Only buy what you can afford, and NO SHOPLIFTING! I mean it boys. This is the last shop we can go to today, its getting late." She added to the smiling freshman boys.

I hid behind two large manequins, and tried not to get noticed by anyone. I didn't get lucky.

"Excuse me." A preppy voice said. I turned it was Rachal. She jumped.

"H-Hazel?" She stuttered, although she knew it was me.

"Who's Hazel? I am Alyssa." I used the first name that popped into my head, and a fake french accent.  Which I had perfected as a dare three years ago. I turned from her and walked fast from the store. If she told anyone, they would all look for me, and even though New York city is big, they would find me.

I started to run, and soon, but not as fast as I would've liked curtesy of the many bags, I found the forest. I turned and ran back to the cabins. "Well a horrible ending to a fantastic day," I laughed, as the sun was setting.


Hey everyone!!!!!!

Rachal is back!!!!!

Just a filler chapter, to add more information.

Peace to the world!!!!!!!!!!!!


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