Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"MUM I'm home!" I called out when I walked in the door.

"Up in my room sweetie!" She called back. I threw my checkered backpack on the floor and stomped up the stairs. When I reached my moms room I knocked, and without waiting for an answer, I barged in.

"Hi mum. I'm home!"I said. She was sitting at the desk in the corner of the room. I peered over her shoulder and saw her latest drawing. My mom was an artist. She sold all of her work outside the house. It was good because we lived on a busy street.

"So, I see." She said. She turned and I saw the older me. She had the same green eyes, and black hair. But when I was tan and she was pale you could tell the difference. "How was school?" She asked.

"Great! How was your day?" I asked back.

"Umm the same as usual." She gestured to her table. The drawing was of me. It was just a sketch and soon she would put it on a huge canvas and paint it to look exactlly like me. "Anything good happen, that I should know about?"

"Well do you remember Richard Sterling?" I asked.

"Yeah." She answered.

"Did you hear what happened to him?" I asked her.

"Yeah sweetheart, I know. Are you upset?" She said looking at me

"A little. Not as much as Rachal though." I ansered her.

She laughed. "Is she still obsessed with him? Don't she know its rude to go after her best friends ex boyfriend?"

"Well I told her I didn't care. But she still won't ask him. Now I don't think she ever will be able to." I said lost in thought. "I hope he's okay."

She got up and hugged me. "Its okay baby, I just know he'll be okay. Do you still like him?"

"Well mum, everyone always loves someone once there gone. I'm no different. But I'll tell you one thing. When we first dated I was obsessed with him. But soon it got boring for both of us. And we decided to stay friends, but not to date. And it worked." I said strongly.

"That's right sweetie, be strong." She said.

"Don't worry mum. Well I have to go and do my homework. Then I'm going to the club with Rachal." As I said that my stomach churned. Tonight was the night. "I had to go and write the note soon." I thought to myself. I wonder if she'll miss me.

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