Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Dodge left, leaving me sitting on my bed, the random tear falling out of my

eye every couple of seconds. I thought about Kyle. I tried to remember what

he looked like. He had light blonde hair, so his eyes must have been a creamy

yellow. But that was all I knew. I went to my vanity and grabbed a purple

tank top, and black yoga pants. I glanced at my face in the mirror and

noticed that since I had dark coal hair, I have pure gold eyes. I slowly

changed and turned off the yellow lamp on the bedside table, and pulled the

covers up to my head and grabbed my bear. I closed my eyes and

tried to fall asleep, to the rythmic sounds of the night.


When I woke up, there was a dull throb in my head. I squinted my eyes at

the morning sun. I put my feet on the floor and waited for my headache to

pass. When it did, I got up and walked outside. No one was awake yet. I

walked to the edge of the clearing. The trees, and grass were coated in a thin

sheet of frost. I heard voices in some of the cabins.

They were starting to wake up.

I walked back to my cabin and looked in the drawers for something to wear.

I grabbed a purple tank top, and black shorts. Nothing too special.

I walked out to see all of the pack, fully dressed, and sitting around a fire.

Dodge patted the chair next to him, and I walked over and sat. All of their

eyes followed me. Even Ben stared at me for a second before turning back to

his cooking.

"Morning." I said.

They all said good morning. They all looked tired. Then I remembered that

they had been looking for Kyle all night. I shot Dodge a look. Why wouldn't

he tell them where Kyle was. If they knew they wouldn't be so exhausted

from searching all night.

"Breakfast's ready." Ben said. He handed each of us a plate of eggs and

bacon. I wonder where he got them from. I took a bite, they were pretty

darn good for a psychotic mind reader.

"Thank you." I said after I was done. When everyone finished, we just sat

there. I waited for someone to say something about last night. But they all

just got up and left. Some went back to their cabins, probably to sleep. While

some went into the forest, to probably search for Kyle.

I went back to my cabin. What do I do. I open my bag and take out my little

blackberry cell.

I opened my phone not realizing that the police might track me. I looked at

it, and panicked. They cannot know where I am. I ripped the battery out,

and threw my phone across the room. I grabbed the battery, and stomped

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