Chapter Three

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     Chapter 3

I went to Rachal's house and we walked together to the boys and girls club.

"Hey Rachal?" I said "How do you want to die?" She stared at me for a minute, thinking. She wasn't startled. We always used to ask questions like this when we little.

"Umm, I want to have a great life then die peacefully in my home. How 'bout you?" She finished.

"Hmm well I want to die in a fire."I answered. Now she looked startled. "You want to know why?" She nodded. "Okay but I've never told anyone this before. You can't tell anyone."

When she looked at me I knew my secret was safe. I took a deep breath in and started, "I was born like any other baby. In a hospital. But before I could even be in my mums arms a fire started."

She looked at me alarmed. She grabbed one of her golden locks and chewed on it. "When the fire happened they ushered my mum out but forgot about that little newborn sleeping in her cradle. When my mum saw that I wasn't outside, she freaked. Begging them to let her in to find me. But I was on the top floor, where the fire started. When the fire ended one fireman walked in the wreckage and saw an untouched cradle with a sleeping baby girl inside. He grabbed me and took me outside."

"I was a miracle. For months I was all they talked about. They had pictures of me everywhere. They thought I was an angel. From that day on I was drawn to fire." I pushed my black curls from my for-head and showed her a scar. "This was from a match. I was known to be found playing with a candle or a lighter. Like I said about the hospital talking about me, they soon forget me. They covered my pictures with more recent ones of other newborns and soon forgot I excisted."

Rachal looked at me. "Wow" was all she could say.

I nodded. Sometimes it seem so fake that I didn't believe it. But there were pictures and a million nurses to prove it.

"How come you've never told me?" She asked.

"My mum told me not to. She said people would call me a fake." I answered bracing myself for the next question.

"Then why'd you tell me?" She looked at me, her blue eyes twinkling.

I took another deep breath and said. "Because I needed someone to know. It hurts to know something and not be able to tell anyone."

She looked at me. But I couldn't look at her. She didn't know what I meant.  I'm going to die the way I was born. Tonight.

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