Chapter 7

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I wiped the tears away as the nurse came in. She checked my blood pressure, temperature, and my IV. Then she left, carrying her clip-board. I grabbed a piece of my hair and nervously chewed on it. A habit I had gotten from Rachal. "RACHAl!" I almost screamed. Was she okay? Did she come in looking for me? "Oh no." I moaned. Knowing Rachal she probably came back as soon as she heard the sirens, and smelled the smoke.

The different nurse walked in and said something but I didn't listen. "Hazel did you hear me?" She said. "Your parents are worried sick. They want to see you, and I can't convince them to wait a bit while you start to feel better."

I didn't want them to see me, but if there worried may as well. "Umm well my arms are really itchy. Can you see what's wrong with them?" It wasn't technically a lie, my arms were really itchy and they hurt allot.

"Sure sweetheart." She said kindly. "Which arm?"

"Both." I answered. "Right above the wrist. Where the bandages are."

She move to my side, and gently unwrapped the cloth. She did the same to my other side. I gasped on my right arm there were claw like gouges. They had stopped bleeding, but they looked scary. When I tore my eyes of, I looked at me left arm and cried out. There were two incisions, that looked like someone stabbed me with pins. Those to had stopped bleeding.

"Hmm must of been a mistake. There's nothing there." She said looking at both arms. "The smoke must've been heavy, they probably thought they saw a cut. Guess they were wrong."

I gaped. Surely I'm not imagining the gashes on my arms. "Wait, you really don't see them? There huge!" I said.

She looked at me and repeated, "There's nothing there. Don't worry, the bandage was just itchy. I'm getting your parents." She started to back up to the door.

"NO!" I yelled. "There are cuts on my arm. There right there! Your blind. See right there!" I squeezed my right arm so hard that blood started to flow again. The pain started and I cried out. The nurse came to my side and seeing nothing, went to the phone and called someone, "Hello? Yes its me Abby. She says she has cuts on her arm but there's nothing. She's crying and I'm afraid she's going to hurt herself. What do I do!" The nurse listened for a minute then threw the phone down and grabbed something of a desk.

It was a shot. She shoved it into my arm. Right on the vein. I screamed, I was always deathly afraid of shots and now here was one digging into my arm.

When she released I lay back on the bed. My vision blurred and I knew they drugged me. I look at the window to see doctors and other people running in the door. They carried all sorts of equipment. I then angled my gaze to the couple that were being ushered somewhere else. I squinted, and fought the drug as hard as I can. It was my parents. They had seen the whole thing. I then let the drug take over. I couldn't take there scared stares.

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