-.Chapter Eight.-

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A/n: To be honest, I hate guys. EXCEPT EVAN PETERS YEE YEE 😍😍😍😍

Who watches:
American Horror Story
Fear the Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
Finding Carter

Because we can be Bestfriends if you watch any or all.

Enjoy clits!

Day 91

"You know it's gonna be crawling with creatures." Harry said. "Yeah, but we got it." Liam says as he enters the amusement park.

"I swear to God, Liam, if I see one clown I'm out." Austin holds Liam's hand. "Babe, it's gonna be okay." Liam kissed Austin softly.

"Let's go." Louis says. They all get out and Zayn watched Niall stare at the swings. "What? Scared?" Zayn teased and pushed him,

"Look on top, Zayn.." Niall points at the Hunter that was eyeing the car. Zayn shot once and the creature fell into the water.

"I'll race you to the Farris wheel!" Austin challenged the others. They all took off running- (Harry, very carefully.)

"Aren't you gonna go?" Zayn asks. "Aren't you?" Niall fired back. "I don't like rollercoasters." Zayn said flatly.

"Come on one with me." Niall says. "What part of 'I don't like rollercoasters' do you not get?" Zayn hissed.

"Please? I promise nothing will happen." Niall says. For some reason, Zayn believed it. Just he way he said it.

"Only once." Zayn said sternly.

Niall pulled him to a really big one and Austin smiled. "Hey, want me to work it for you?" Austin asks. "Yeah." Niall nodded.

They both get on and Zayn was swearing under his breath. "Is Zayn Malik.... Scared?" Niall playfully gasps.

"No, I'm not. Start it." Zayn said. He thought Austin was on the Farris wheel, but he dismissed the thought.

They buckled in and Austin pressed the button. The ride began to go up and Zayns heart began to race.

"Hey, I'm scared of heights.. Lowkey." Niall offered a smile. "Oh shit. Shit, shit. Shit." Zayn cursed as they got to the top. There was a Hunter on the bottom.

"Oh my--FUCK!" Niall screamed as they ran it over and blood spatters everywhere. Zayn laughed. "WHOO!" Zayn smiled and Niall laughed.

"Niall, look!" Zayn pointed and shot a walker. Niall cracked up at Zayns face. He was so amused. "A loop!" Zayn closed his eyes and Niall lifted his hands.

"Shoot the Runner!" Zayn gave Niall the gun. Niall shot at it and it fell. "Nice!" Zayn high-fives Niall. The ride comes to a stop and Zayn and Niall got off laughing.

"That was... That was fun." Zayn smiled with a pant.

"Yeah, it was." Nialls cheeks heated. "Wanna see what the others are up to?" Zayn asked. Niall followed and they were on the bumper cars hitting creatures.

"Zayn.." Niall tugged at Zayns sleeve. "Hm?" Zayn looked at him. "What the hell is that?" Niall points at a creature in the water swimming around but eyeing Niall.

"Swimmer." Zayn grabbed his gun and shot. The creature fell back and two more arose.

"It attracts more." Niall points out.

This all hit Zayn with realization. It was the end of the world (for Britain anyway.)

"Guys, we have to go," Zayn said stopping the ride. "Zayn, live a little." Niall tried.

"Live a little? There are flesh-eating-monsters waiting for us and you wanna live?" Zayn laughed harshly.

Zayn pushed passed him and they all sighed walking with him. Niall watched the Swimmers and just walked ahead.

"There's a Two-Face in the tent. Careful." Harry said holding his stomach. "Are you okay?" Niall asks.

"Yeah, just some pain." Harry smiled faintly. "Let's get home and check you." Liam helped Harry to the car. Niall looked back at the rollercoaster and sighed.

Zayn just needed to live a little.


"Harry, please, just breathe." Louis held Harry's hand. "I'm hurting so bad." Harry cried out.

"What's wrong?" Liam rubbed his eyes and let them adjust to the living room lights. "He's in pain. P-Please help." Louis cried.

Liam gets his doctoring tools and pulls Harry's shirt up. He puts the stethoscope around his neck and pressed it to Harry's stomach.

"Holy shit." Liam's heart picked up. "What?" Louis asked worriedly. "It's-- It's time." Liam gets up. "But you said he was 8 months!" Louis screamed.

"That tool isn't exactly accurate. My dad made it." Liam said and got a mask on his face. "W-Will I live?" Harry asks.

"I, uh, I don't know. Male birth is rare and 1 out of 3 had lived." Liam said honestly. Louis' face got pale and Liam looked at Louis.

"Are you okay?" Liam asks. "I.. I.." Louis just left the room. "LOUIS DO NOT LEAVE ME!" Harry cried out. By this time, the others were up too.

"Harry, calm down." Liam said shakily. He had done a C-Section before and nearly passed out. Harry cried and Liam got his tools ready.

"It's okay," Zayn said as he walked in and helped Liam bring Harry to the bedroom. "Za-a-ayn!" Harry carried out his name in a cry.

"Listen, you are strong. You can do this." Zayn said and Harry calmed a bit. Niall watched Zayn support Harry as Liam shut the door. He knew Zayn was worried. He knew Zayn cared. Zayn walks out and looked at Niall with a pale face.

"Go find Louis." Zayn said quietly. Niall nods and Zayn slid down the wall hearing Harry cry.

"Please... Please, be okay, Harry."

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