-.Chapter Ten.-

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A/n: Ayeeeee I don't know how long this story will be but I'm thinking 15 chapters. So we have 5 more. Maybe I'll make more. I don't know yet.


I was in a wreck yesterday and i have some minor head damage, but I'll be updated as much as possible. If you read, press that little star at the bottom and vote. 😋❤️

Q: Do you think Alec is alive? Or dead? 🔮

Enjoy! 📯

Day 92

Zayn sat in the car for God knows how long before he got the nerve to get out. "Zayn, check the car. I'll check inside." Niall said.

Zayn walked over to the car and Niall walked inside. He held the gun as if he knew what he was doing.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Niall asked into the house. He heard a faint knock to his right and there he saw a woman laying in the middle of the floor.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" Niall kneels down. She looked down and Niall saw the bite mark on her leg. "I-I'm Jannet." She breathes. "Alec's mum?" Niall asks. She nodded.

"He-He was here. He left." She breathed. "Where? Where is he?" Niall asks. "H-He said he was going to find Zayn." She nodded and coughed up blood.

"Zayn is outside, he's with me." Niall assured her. "Tell him to-- to-" she sputters and Niall was freaking out. "ZAYN!" He screamed.

"Tell him-- He's alive. He's alive. He was here last night. Tell him to go in his room-- a-and look under the mattress." She coughed out.

Niall jerks up and runs outside. "Zayn! Jannet- Shes inside!" Niall exclaimed.

Zayn gets away from the car and looked at Niall. "Come on!" Niall pulled him into the living area.

She was gone.

"Niall, that's not fucking funny." Zayn said with venom in his words. "No-- S-She was bitten. Alec is alive Zayn! He's alive. He was here and she said look under his mattress." Niall said panicked.

Zayn could tell he wasn't lying. Zayn ran upstairs and tried to ignore all of the memories that laid before him. He flipped the mattress and found a piece of paper folded with his name on it.

Zayn opened the letter and a locket fell out. He grabbed it and opened it. It was him and Alec. He placed it around his neck and began to read the letter.

Dear Zayn,

It's crazy. All of it. How am I still alive? That man at the hospital saved me. I'm sorry I left. If you saw what I saw... You'd understand. It was dad. He tried to bite me.
Zayn, I love you and I'm going to continue looking for you... But if anything happens to me... Don't stay stuck on me. Do that much for me at least. You're amazing, Zayn.
I'm not gonna live for long. I'm running out of food and ammunition. Please, if I don't find you... I love you, Zee. To the moon and back. Never forget me if I don't make it. xx

Zayn let a tear slip from his eyes and he felt a sob in his chest. He heard a gun go off and he ran downstairs to see Niall with blood all over him and Jannet was dead.

"C'mon. Let's go back." Zayn said and they got in Zayns car. "Zayn.." Niall was breathing heavy. "He.. What if he dies, Niall? He had no food or anything! If only.." Zayn shook his head.

"Hey, let's just get back.." Niall said trying to change the subject. "Can you drive?" Zayn asked. "Yeah." Niall nodded and they switched. Zayn re-read the note at least 12 times.

He had. To find.  Alec.


When they arrive, Harry was asleep and Louis was holding the baby. "You guys are back-" Before Louis finished his sentence Zayn went into his room and slammed the door.

"-early." Louis finished and Liam looked at Niall. "Alec is alive." Niall said. "What?" Austin looked at Niall. Liam ran after Zayn as Niall explained the story to the others.

"Zayn?" Liam knocks and enters. Zayn sat there staring at the locket around his neck. "He won't live." Zayn began to shake. "Zayn, you don't-"

"He wasn't lucky enough to find you guys!" Zayn yelled and threw the note at Liam.

"Zayn.." Liam looked at him and Zayn stood up. "Please, Liam. We have to find him." Zayn pleas. "Hey, uh... Louis.. Louis wants you, Liam." Niall walked in. Liam gave Zayn a sad look and nodded.

Niall watched as Zayn gave Liam a helpless look. "Hey, we're gonna find him." Niall said assuringly and shut the door.

"I don't care if it's just me and you. I'll help you. I'll stay." Niall said and Zayn brought Niall to him and Niall hugged Zayn as tight as he could. Zayn just sobbed.

"Nobody understands what I have to go through every fucking day. How much my heart hurts knowing he could be hurt-- bitten... Niall it hurts because what am I going to do without him?" Zayn cried.

"You're going to fight. You're going to be strong and be happy. Zayn, you will find him. Stop saying what if." Niall said.

"I just... I need to sleep.." Zayn laid in his bed and wiped his eyes. Niall didn't know what to do so he stood there awkwardly.

"Hey, you can.. You can sleep here. With me. Let Harry and Louis use the guest room." Zayn said. Niall bit his lip and nodded. He laid next to Zayn and left a space in between them.

"You know, I never saw any use for you when you first came with us.." Zayn said and Niall felt the pain that gave him.

"I see it now. It's obvious." Zayn yawned. Niall watched his eyes flutter close. "And what's the reason?" Niall dared asks.
He smiled lightly. "To keep us from losing it." Zayn giggled a little. "You're here to keep us from killing each other. From leaving. Thanks, Neil..." Zayn sighed as he dozed off. Niall chuckled a little too before he fell asleep.

"It's Niall."

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