-.Chapter Fifteen.-

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A/n: P L E A SE   F O R G I V E
M E.

Literally, I've had the worst two months. But I'm managing. From now on, chapters are going to be more mature and thought out.


Alright, enjoy assholes. ❤️🖌

Zayn woke up to the screams of
the baby downstairs. He grabbed his pillow and held it closer to his nose as the sent of axe and dirt filled his cold nose.

"Hey, Zayn, Harry wants us in the living room for a second." Niall's thick accent filled Zayn's room. Zayn tossed the blankets off of his clothed torso and rubbed his eyes as his feet met the carpeted floor.

Leah's screams were quieted by Niall as he sang her a lullaby quietly. Zayn had taken a seat beside Louis and watched Niall kiss her tiny hand and rub his hand over her brown, curly hair.

"I think we all need to help look for Alec." Harry states making all eyes land on him. "What?" Austin asked quickly.

"Before all of you start crying about it; think of it this way. Zayn had helped us survive through our entire time of staying here. We have to help him at least find Alec. It's the least we can do." Harry voiced.

"I-" "He's right." Liam looks at Austin and Louis. "Guys, you don't have to do that." Zayn quickly added.

"Look, we need to search the places least expected since we've searched half of Britain." Liam completely ignored Zayn's plea.

"Let's pack up some stuff for Leah and we'll start at the least expected place. Which is?" Harry looked at Zayn.

"Art museum.. Alec hated art," Zayn licked his lips as he fed them the information. Louis sighed unhappily,

"Then I say we go before we're seen. We have some friends on the back porch."


      "You'd think such a big place would be full." Niall says to the empty museum. "Louis, Harry, go right. Liam, Austin, take left. Me and Niall will get the upstairs." Zayn points and they all nod.

Harry held Leah close as they walk off. "You've been fairly quiet today. Anything on your mind?" Zayn asked. "Since when did you care?" Niall asked with a little sigh.

"Salty." Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I love this piece." Niall stopped and pointed at the painting on The wall. "You like art?" Zayn asked. "Yeah, of course." Niall smiled softly.

"I didn't think someone like you would." Zayn shrugged. "Someone who looks and acts like Alec?" Niall asked suddenly. Zayn tensed. "Uh.. Yeah.. I guess." He fake coughs.

"I'm not him." Niall simply says and then walks away. Zayn followed a little behind and watched Niall's movements. God he was perfection. He was exactly like Al-

"Fuck!" Zayn was snapped out of his thoughts when he bumped into Niall. "Niall, what the hell?" Zayn followed Niall's eyes to the painting he knew all too well

The beautiful painting had so many dark and twisted colours combining into a broken heart, and a quote underneath.

"The end of the world isn't necessarily the most apocalyptic happenings; it is the pain of losing someone to happenings you made apocalyptic.."
-Zayn Malik

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