-.Chapter Fourteen.-

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A/n: Sorry, I got grounded! I literally stay grounded. My parents are strict affffff. But guys I like my guy bestfriend and Idek what to do.


Q: do you think Zayn will get over Alec?

Enjoy assholes ❤️

Whoever has the best comments might get an appearance in this book 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉


Day 95 (continued)

Zayn drove down the road, but he was not looking for Alec this time. He was taking it in.

For the first time, he was.

The elementary school that he had once attended wasn't full of laughing children and squeaky swing-sets.

The park nearby wasn't crowded with young teens and couples making out.

The passenger seat where Alec would usually would sit was completely empty.

"Please... Please let it be a nightmare." Zayn whispers to himself. He didn't want to do this anymore. He didn't want to deal with the heartache any longer.

He just wanted to find Alec.

Zayn's car came to a stop and he looked at the gas tank. 'Empty. Great.' Zayn thinks.

He gets out of the car and thankfully he had stopped in front of the house.

He moved past the gate and walked up the pathway where he used to walk Alec home. "Nice of you to join us, Zayn." Liam said hatefully from the front porch.

"I don't wanna hear it, Liam." Zayn shook his head. "Do you realize you an asshole, Zayn?" Liam asked him as he put his hand on the handle.

"I realized that months ago." Zayn said and walked into the house. Liam followed him inside and Niall walked into the living area.

"Hey, are you okay?" Liam asked the blonde and Niall didn't answer. Seconds later Zayn felt a pressure on his face and he fell backwards.

"How about you stop being an inconsiderate asshole." Niall spat with venom in his voice and all of their mouths dropped.

Zayn stood up and pushed Niall back. "Wanna do that again, Blondie?!" Zayn hissed and Niall pushed Zayn back.

'Let them.' Louis mouths as they all back up.

"You know what? You've taught me something. No matter how hard you try, some people will never see the good in life." Niall punched Zayn again, but Zayn fired back and gave Niall a blow to the abdomen.

"You taught me some people will never take anything fucking seriously!" Zayn struggled as Niall pushed Zayn on the ground and Niall lands on top of him.

"WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT THE FACT THAT ALEC DOESN'T WANT TO BE FUCKING FOUND!" Niall screamed and Zayn punched him again, rolling on top now.

"I don't have a fucking reason to be alive without him, twat! You didn't have to come back!" Zayn growled and punched Niall again, busting his nose.

Niall knees Zayn in between the legs and Zayn fell to the side and Niall found his way back on top.

"Maybe I didn't want to watch you fucking die knowing I could have helped saved your sorry ass!" Niall didn't get a punch in before Zayn had pushed him off and got up.

Niall stood up and wiped his nose on his shirt.

"Why the hell would you want to save me? I hate you." Zayn and Niall stood a distance apart and breathed hard.

"Maybe because I fucking like you."

And with that, Niall walks outside, slamming the door.


Nialls brain was still buzzing with anger from the events that had taken place only thirty short minutes ago. "Hey, you okay, man?" Austin had walked out with a wet rag. "Yeah, I suppose." Niall flat out lied.

Austin cleaned off Niall's nose and busted lip as he spoke. "It's okay, y'know. We all go a little mad sometimes. It's hard to hold it all in." Austin assures the blonde.

"Yeah, but... I can't even explain how stupid I was to even say I liked him." Niall looked down as his cheeks flushed a red/pink-ish colour.

"You like-like him?" Austin used the third grade term.

"Maybe... Fuck, I don't know. No? Yeah?" Niall groans frustratedly. "What are some good things about him that you see?" Austin asked.

"He's.. He's determined. He's strong minded. He's tough. He's hot as fuck. And I don't think he's an asshole. I think he just misses his boyfriend. I just want to know the Zayn that he was before Alec was gone." Niall sighed

"Why do you care so much?" Austin asked curiously.

"Because I don't want him to be like this forever... If Alec does die, I don't want him to think his only option is death or being like this. I want to open him up a little. Show him more people care than Alec." Niall whispered as if Zayn were right behind them.

"Well fighting him isn't the exact direction i'd swing." Austin chuckled. "I know... He just.. What he said hurt. A lot. It makes me question why I'm even trying to help you guys. I'm no use." Niall let a tear fall as Austin wiped the remainder of blood.

"You have kept us from losing our minds. You showed us how to make the best out of the worst. Don't let words of anger hurt you, alright? Zayn was mad." Austin tossed the rag to the side.

"I'd agree, but you can tell he meant it, Austin... You could just tell." Niall wiped at his cheeks.

"Niall I know I buflaba---" Austin's words were muffled by Nialls hand. "Be. Quiet." Niall shook as they both looked at the Charger in front of the gate.

"Austin, Harry needs-" "NO!" Austin and Niall scream at Liam who had walked outside making the creature look their direction.

"GO INSIDE!" Niall pushed Liam and Austin inside shutting the door and turning around, only to be picked up by the creature much bigger than him.

"Fuck!" Niall cried out.

Zayns eyes grew big as he blonde screamed helplessly. Zayn looked back at the door and began to bolt inside.

But not before taking one shot, killing the creature instantly.

Not before saving Niall.


The air was crisp and the wind would give you a slight shudder, but Zayn didn't mind that much. He had Alec's jacket on and he held his knees to his chest as he sat on the roof, overlooking the vacant town.

"Hey," Niall said In a small voice. "How'd you know where I was?" Zayn asked turning away from Niall and looked back at the town.

"It wasn't that hard. I saw Walkers falling from the rocks you were throwing at them." Niall laughs a little.

It wasn't that funny. It was a twisted sense of humor he had gained since the world started to fall to shit.

"Hey, thanks for saving me." Niall sat beside Zayn letting a few moments of silence pass. "Don't get used to it." Zayn put a cigarette to his lips.

Niall pulled it out and tossed it off the roof. "That's a nasty habit. Don't pick up on it." Niall said and Zayn just let him do it.

"We do need you. Rather I want to admit that it not. I may not like it but you do keep us all sane." Zayn bit his lip.

Niall was thankful he had let what Niall had said earlier go. "Does that mean you'll be nicer?" Niall asked with a small smile standing up. Zayn just laughed and smiled as he watched Niall go back inside trying to hide his own little smirk.

"I just might be, Niall. I just might."

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