-.Chapter Eleven.-

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But anyway, shout out to @Fakezain because the book Snapchat (ziam) kept me in one spot for like a deadass 2 hours. The ending fucked me up.

Comment some books you want me to read! Rather they're yours or somebody else's! No matter what bromance (Has to be bromance).

|before you read, I want you guys to comment some baby names for their baby|

Day 93

Liam yawns as he began to put the food down for breakfast. "We're almost out.. We gotta leave soon." Liam informs Austin who held the baby.

"Yeah.. We also have to pick out a name for her." Louis said looking at his baby with a smile. "I'm gonna wake up Niall and Zayn." Liam said as Louis turned to help Harry sit down.

Liam walked into the room and stopped. Nialls head laid on Zayns chest as Zayn held him tightly. Liam dug in his bag and found a polaroid camera. He snapped a picture and waiting a minute to let the picture come out.

He grabbed Zayns bag and placed it in the bottom. "Guys.." Liam smirked and shook Niall. Nialls eyes opened and looked down.

He jerks from Zayns grip and his face burned red. Liam giggled a little as Zayn began to stir awake. "Huh..." Zayn sat up and Niall got off by the end of the bed.

"Oh, uh, is it time to eat?" Zayn asked as his face turned hot. "Yeah." Liam smiled and walked out. Niall pulled a shirt on and walked out silently.

When Niall took a seat, Zayn followed after. "I was thinking we could take a break today." Harry said quietly as he kissed his baby's head.

"Yeah. Sure." Zayn muttered and all the boys were quite shocked with the sudden agreement.

"I have some drinks." Louis smirks and pulled out 4 bottles of vodka. "What about the baby?" Niall asked. "I'll take care of her. I can't drink anyways." Austin smiled. "Thank you." Harry smiled at him warmly.

"Did you sleep well, Zayn?" Liam asked with a smirk trying to play across his lips. "Uh, sure. Yeah, I guess." Zayn rambled. Niall shot Liam a death glare.

"Okay, we're running out of supplies, Zayn..." Louis said suddenly. "I know.. I.. Just..." Zayn was starting to sound desperate.

"A few more days and you all can leave. I'll stay..." Zayn nodded trying to get his toughness to settle back in. "I'm staying with him." Niall said with determination. "Niall, you can barely shoot a gun." Liam comments. Niall felt a pang of hurt.

"I don't give a fuck. How would you feel if Austin was somewhere in this hell-sent world? I bet you'd do anything in your power to help." Niall stood up angrily.

"Why the hell do you want to help him? What help has he done to you?" Austin laughed bitterly. "He stuck to his plan. You all chickened out." Niall argued. It got quiet and tension filled the air. "Sit down, Niall." Zayn ordered.

"You're not the fucking boss of me." Niall was still heated. "I am the boss so I can kinda do whatever the hell I want to." Zayn smiled.

"Fuck you." Niall walked off. "Guys, that was harsh..." Harry frowned. "Go talk to him." Louis told Zayn. They all look at him. "Me? I don't even want him in the group!" Zayn whined. "Bullshit. Go." Harry said.

Zayn rolled his eyes and walked to the back balcony. He didn't see Niall. He was confused. "It's too cold." He muttered to himself. He walked back into the kitchen.

"Guys, wherever he is, he wants to be alone. Just accept that." Zayn rolled his eyes. "Zayn, I would stop being a dick to him if I were you." Liam said. "Why?" Zayn laughed. Liam didn't want to say it but he did.

"He's really the only one who's find to stick with you."


Niall returned around seven that night. "Niall!" Liam yelled and threw his arms around him. He was freezing.

"I'm so, so sorry." Liam held him and Niall sniffled. "Here. This'll make you warm." Zayn walked over with a shot of vodka. Niall smiled softly and swallowed the liquid fire.

"You have some blood on your shirt." Liam said pointing at Nialls dark red shirt. "Ye-Yeah. I'll change and join you." Niall smiled at them.

"Something's wrong with him." Zayn said. "How do you know?" Louis asked taking another shot. Zayn shook his head.

"I just know."


"CHUG, CHUG, CHUG!" Louis, Austin, Liam, and Harry cheer Niall and Zayn on as they chugged their bottles. The baby slept peacefully and Austin checked on her every 10 minutes.

Niall's vision was blurred and his head was spinning. "You win!" Zayn slurred and they all cheer. Zayn took his shirt off due to the heat he was feeling. "Damn." Niall licked his lips.

Niall stood up and fell a little. "Off to bed, off to bed." Liam chuckled. Zayn and Niall both fell into the same bed and laughed. Niall laid on top of Zayn and had the urge to just grind his hips down.

He rolled to the other side and took his shirt off. They laid there for moments letting the alcohol wear off. Zayn turned over to look at Niall. His eyes were shut but he was awake. Zayn let his eyes travel to his arms.

"Niall." Zayn jerked up. "Wha-" Zayn grabbed Nialls arm and turned it over. "This.. This is why you had blood on.." Zayn shook his head.

Niall pulled his arms back to him.

"Niall... No.." Zayn felt his heart break. "Look, it's my body, okay?" Niall laid back down. Zayn laid down and looked at him.

"Alec.. He tried.. He tried to commit suicide in 2013. It was my birthday, too. I found him in the bathroom floor.. God.." Zayn shook his head. Niall watched Zayns eyes.

"I kept telling myself, "if he dies, it's your fault. You left him alone"." Zayn bit his lip. "And I left him alone again, and he's gone. He's somewhere and he might die." Zayn looked back at Nialls arms.

"I'm so sorry you're going through this." Niall said. He felt sorta sad, but for the wrong reason. Zayn wanted Alec.

"You need to go home Niall. To America, I mean. You said your nephew and brother was there.. They need you." Zayn sighed.

"Zayn, I'm-"
"Niall. I will probably never, ever be this nice again. I'm drunk." Zayn laughed and Niall felt a little hurt in there.

"Please... You have a live. I don't. I won't if Alec dies.. If I find him.. I promise- I swear... We'll cross paths again." Zayn said. Niall laid his head on Zayns shoulder.

"But what if we don't?" Niall asked. Zayn bit his lip and looked at the picture above his head of him and Alec.

"Then I'll never forget you."

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