-.Chapter Twenty-One.-

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A/n: Yoooo I have thirteen chapters written on Toxic in my drafts.




Day 111

Nobody can get over a loss as great as Zayn. Losing Alec was like losing his entire mind.

Niall realized that, but then Harry's saying started to make sense to the others.

He began healing when he met you.

Meaning which, Niall taught Zayn how to be happy without Alec. How to love and smile. And everyone seemed to notice it but Zayn and Niall.

"Whatchya' making?" Niall rests his chin on Zayns shoulder and looked at the painting in front of him. "Finishing up the painting. It's called Heartbreak City." Zayn says as Niall looked at the empty city on the canvas.

"It's beautiful." Niall smiled. The quote below quoted a song from Crown the Empire.

»we're all looking for a little love in this heartbreak city«

"Talent. We need to put this in the museum." Niall says excitedly. "Maybe, I don't thinks it's-" "Hey, I found the backup generator! We can finally take a warm shower!" Louis screamed from the storage building below.

"I told you you'd make it, Zayn." Niall said and Zayn smiled a little. "I was hoping it'd be with Alec." Zayn frowned now. "He's in a better place, Zayn. Would you want him living in this?" Niall asked. Zayn never thought of it like that.

"No.. I guess not. But he's probably in hell saving a seat for me next to his throne." Zayn joked a little and Niall smiled. He walked inside and the lights were on.

"I love power."  Liam smiled at the lights. "The windows are covered, right?" Zayn asked. "Yes, Mother Zayn." Austin chuckled. Austin was already up and better.

It was nice. To finally have something right and humane going on besides the creatures that walked in the woods somewhere.
"We have seventy-eight jugs of fuel left." Louis wiped his hands on a towel nearby and Harry looked at Niall.

"Your mum was ready for this." Harry said suddenly. "What? My mum didn't even know-- she went to the mall for Christ's sake." Niall laughed nervously hoping this was a joke.

"Niall, she had to know something was up. She is stocked." Harry said. Niall's heart began to beat hard. What If she knew and never got to tell him?

"Look, thank goodness for his mother. He didn't know he had all of it in the storage building. Leave him alone." Liam said in Niall's defense. Zayn looked at the way Liam held Niall to him and his chest burned.

"I think we can all agree Niall is cute enough to be forgiven." Austin looked over at Zayn and he seen the ghosts of jealousy in Zayn's look. "True, actually. You're really cute. Like, ten out of ten would smash." Louis comments as he gathered a towel.

"Hey, save the water." Zayn said to change the subject. "We are not showering with a partner." Liam laughed. "We actually have to. If we want to save it to actually cook some of that food and watch a movie." Louis said.

The End (Ziall Horlik)Where stories live. Discover now