-.Chapter Seventeen.-

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Alright, so, I'm writing this on my way to Atlanta. Anybody live there?


(P.s. I live in Alabama in America. I stay in Tennessee a lot, too.)

Day 99

        "But it's the only way we ever would watch that show." Zayn talked about Alec, knowing it made Zayn happy to talk about him. It didn't bother Niall, really.

The car was comfortably silent, but Zayn broke it. "Thank you for doing this." Zayn looked at Niall. "You've done a lot. The least I can do help find-"

"No, I mean, thanks for listening. Nobody else cares." Zayn sighed. "Zayn, it's no problem..." Niall trails off once Zayn came to a stop,

A creature with no bottom half was walking on its hands. "Holy fuck, what do you call that?" Niall asked. Zayn watched the creature suck up a left over body on the ground. "Where the hell is it going?" Niall asked again.

"A Sucker." Zayn wrote it down on the paper in his lap and slipped the paper back to his bag.

"Where did it go?" Zayn asked at the empty road in front of them. "I don't kn-AH-!" Niall jumped when his side of the car began to get banged on.

Zayn pressed on the gas and Niall shot out of the window beside him and the creature had flown off the car.

"Are you okay?" Zayn asked. "Always." Niall pants. "Let's get home. We've been out almost all night." Zayn points at the sun rising. "Zayn we haven't even-- we didn't even- we haven't checked anywhere, all we did was drive-"

"Hey, calm down, alright?" Zayn gave Niall a looked Niall had never seen Zayn have. Niall had never seen this side of Zayn. "Okay.." Niall bit his lip and tears almost threaten to spill. He doesn't know why, but he just felt like he was trapped in this.

Instead of going home, Zayn had pulled up to a cliff that overlooked the small town. "Usually you'd see lights, you know? It's black." Niall sighed. Zayn got two blankets from the back and casually shot the Walker behind them.

Zayn crawled on top of the car and Niall crawled beside him. "It's crazy, you know? Like, if it weren't for this... I wouldn't have met any of you." Zayn said. "You would be with Alec." Niall said flatly.

"Yeah, but... I don't.. I don't know if I would like that." Zayn bit his lip. "What do you mean?" Niall asked. "If I had to choose between him and you guys... I don't think I'd choose Alec. I don't think Alec would want me to." Zayn admits.

"We know you miss him, Zee. I swear we'll find him." Niall yawned and watched the sun rise higher. "I miss him so much." Zayn sniffed a little. Not from tears, but from the cold.

"It's gonna hurt when it heals, too." Niall closed his eyes and laid his head on Zayns shoulder. Zayn let Niall doze off on his shoulder and Zayn heard his light snores and giggled.

Niall shivered in his sleep and Zayn placed his arm around Niall's waist and pulled the other blanket over him. "You're gonna make it out of here, Niall." Zayn looked at the boy who's lips were parted partially.

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