-.Chapter Twenty.-

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A/n: Yoooo last chapter was hella long. 😂😂


Enjoy! ✍🏻

Day 106

"ZAYN! NIALL! WAKE UP. AUSTIN IS HAVING A SEIZURE!" Louis's voice screamed out.

Zayn's and Niall jump up, half asleep, and ran down the hall to the guest room. By this time, Liam had just calmed down. "Austin," Liam called to his boyfriend who had passed out.

Liam put a cold rag on his boyfriends head to reduce his fever. "I can't believe you let him get by with "it's just a cold". You should have came the moment he said that. It's dangerous to even have allergies with this virus going around." Liam swore at Zayn.

"He didn't know." Niall came to Zayns defense, although Zayn didn't need it. Liam was right.

"It was a week ago, I didn't know!" Zayn said after Niall. "Austin, babe?" Liam looked to Austin's opening his eyes. "Hey, I'm here, it's okay..." Liam whispered and went straight to Austin's side. Austin coughed and they all backed up.

"Guys, get out for now." Liam ordered and they all did as they were told. "Liam.." Austin sounded so sick, "Liam.. If I.. If I die, don't let me turn into one of those things. Shoot me." Austin said and Liam shook his head.

"You won't die." Liam had tears in his eyes because it was a possibility.

Zayn and Niall listened through the door and they backed away. "H-He won't die, will he?" Niall asked. Harry and Louis looked sadly at the ground.

"No. We aren't giving up on him like that." Zayn demanded. "He'll get better. He needs medicine." Zayn said and Louis sighed, "We have none."

"There's a hospital not to far, why don't me and Zayn go?" Niall volunteered and Zayn looked iffy. "Maybe me and Louis can-" "Because I'm the weakest. Yeah." Niall stopped Harry before he even started.

"Niall, it would be a better idea for you to stay with Harry." Zayn said and Niall shrugged. "Alright. Maybe you'll snog him, too." Niall said angrily and walked off.

"Sno--" "Let's go." Zayn huffed and pulled Louis with him. "Snog?" Harry shook his head confused and followed Niall to his bedroom.

"Hey," Harry said soothingly. "Harry, I can't do this." Niall held his legs to his chest. Niall's day hadn't began but 7 minutes ago at most and it's already dramatic.

"Talk to me. You know I'll keep my mouth shut and I'm here for you." Harry said and sat at the other end if the bed. "I.." Niall swallowed.

"You like Zayn." Harry crossed his arms. "How did you know?" Niall asked Harry as he looked up. "It's obvious, okay? The look you give him is the look I give Louis. It's the Louis Liam gives Austin." Harry told the smaller boy.

"But that's love." Niall shook his head. "Exactly." Harry nodded and Niall shook his head. "No. I don't love Zayn. I barely even-" "Niall, let me give you some advice," Harry sighed putting his legs on the bed,
"It's not how much you know them or- or how long. It's the way you look at and appreciate them. You like the little things about them." Harry said.

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