Frenemies (Kevin - UKiss~)

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I didn't proof read the story so please excuse the errors. Sorry for a late update. Enjoy~


Kevin and _________ were in the same class from first year of high school. Kevin was tall and charming fella with loads of friends and ________ had pretty features with her signature specs and impeccable reputation and popularity. Both were great at academics and excelled in performing arts. Kevin had already won many talent shows but ________ mostly kept her talents limited within the school grounds, but both were talented nonetheless.

When there rose an opportunity to score extra credit for their arts class, _________ immediately thought of pairing with Kevin. So she followed him to the station to ask if he wanted to partner with her.

"Kevin, I was thinking.. You know for the extra credit that we get for the arts class? I was thinking that we could.."

"________, and you thought asking me would be a good idea? Why do you want to partner with me?" He asked.

"Because we both know and so does everyone else that if we participate together we could beat the rest of the class. I am not being cocky but just that our areas of expertise match." ________ replied.

"And you sure it isn't because you like me?" Kevin asks with raised eyebrows.

"Are you serious? I just thought we would make an undefeatable  team, plus I think I can be of great help to add that extra credit." 

"Oh, you like me. You liiiiike me." Kevin sang to which _________ snickered and facepalmed herself. She couldn't believe Kevin was acting so childish standing between such a huge crowd. When his singing rose in volume she shushed him.

"Yah! I don't like you and you know that. Eww, I wouldn't ever even think about it. Are you or are you not going to partner with me?" She asked a little annoyed.

"Only if you tell me if you like me. No I know you love me. It'll be awkward to perform if that's true." Kevin suggested.

She glared at him with eyebrows raised and mouth open because she couldn't grasp what was happening. "Are you kidding me Kevin? The hell's wrong with you?" She asked with a disgusted face.

"I know you love me." He shouted. "That's gross." And with that he shook his face. ________ gasped.

"Are you flipping kidding me, I don't love you. Hell, I don't even like you. You think a little too much of yourself. You are nothing but a narcissistic prick. You know what? I should have never asked, Allll my fault. Enjoy." She said with a straight face. 

"You are just an idiot, don't know why I thought of pairing with you." She said raised her clenched fist in the air so as to threaten Kevin. He watched her with surprise. 

________ was embarrassed after she looked around and found people stopping at their track just to stare at her. She lowered her head and headed out of the scene. Kevin caught up to her.

"So now that we have established that you don't like me, I was thinking..." Kevin was cut off when he met ________'s raging eyes. "Do not, ever. Ever. Talk to me again. I don't like you. Like God, how many times do I have to repeat myself?" She sighed.

Kevin smiled and hummed. "Thank you. I just wanted to make sure that there were no weird feelings between us when we practice for the act, you know." He said trying to explain his side of the story.

"I don't want to hear your lame excuse. You are just.. Arghhh" She started walking away. "Do you not want the extra credit?" Kevin asked following her and abruptly stopping when he saw _______ stop at her tracks.

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