Recovery (CNU B1A4~)

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"Can I come in?" CNU asks while knocking. The was no response so he stepped inside the room to see _________ lying on the bed. He approached her with worried face to find her staring into space not even looking at him. Now he was panicking again like he did everytime he came to see her. His face softened and sat on the chair that was near her bed and stared at her intently. She had been skipping school for past 4 days and had been home lying on her bed since.

He knew that it was getting harder for her to express what she felt. He started remembering all the incidents that took place in the last couple of weeks. In the last 2 weeks there was disgusting rumour going around about _________ having an affair with their chemistry teacher. Sure _________ was crushing on him, but that was it; just a mere crush. It became a big issue so much so that some even claimed that she had slept with him all because she would always get highest marks in his class. Little did they know that she was working extra hard because she adored him and wanted to do well in his class and nothing else. CNU was unaware while all this was happening but when he did realise it had already gotten out of control. It was too late for him to handle and he hated himself for that. He wasn't around when she needed him the most.

She had no company other that her three best friends that backed her completely but besides them, he was the only she trusted in the entire school. _________ had always been a little timid, a delicate girl with already frail body and he couldn't imagine what she must be going through.

CNU snapped out of his thought when she turned away and rolled on the other side, her back now facing him. This was the first movement she had made since CNU entered her room. He walked to the other side of the bed, _________ was again just staring into space; no emotions. He sat himself on the edge of the bed looking at her, she traced her eyes from the empty space to his body; slowly eyeing his legs, to stomach, to his chest and lastly to his eyes. They stared at each other for a while. One could see all the sadness and sympathy in CNU's eyes but her eyes were the opposite; completely blank, devoid of emotion. She stared at him with empty eyes. "I am fine." She managed to say before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. He stayed there beside her looking at her face, realising how weak she looked with unsteady breaths and yet so peaceful. He left her room after solid 20 minutes, smiled and said "Good night _________" before closing her bedroom door.

On the other hand, both her parents were getting more nervous with each passing day. Though _________ was a little timid she was a happy child. She made everyone around her happy with her cheerful self. Her mother hinted some of the things which could cause their daughter to completely change into an immobile, just a body that breathed, but her father on the other hand had no idea whatsoever for her such behaviour. So they decided to call all her four best friends so they could cheer her up together, they thought that having people around who cared for her the most would definitely bring some improvement in her.

So the next day everybody gathered in their living/drawing room. Sammy, Lexie, Jia and CNU greeted the parents. The room looked livelier than usual with some decorations hanging from the ceiling or on the walls. _________'s mother had prepared her favorite apple pie too. "I'll go get _________" declared Sammy and started walking towards _________'s room when she noticed CNU walking behind her too.

She opened the door to reveal _________ still lying on the bed, the same way CNU had left her yesterday. "Hey _________" Sammy said trying to sound cheerful. Both Sammy and CNU stood in front of her, "What have you been upto huh?" Sammy asked completely aware of dark circles under _________'s eyes, body even weaker than the last time she had seen her. _________ smiled before closing her eyes again but instead of sleeping she seemed rather stiff with uneven breathing. Sammy panicked and ran to call her mother for help. CNU hurriedly went to her, placing his hand over her shoulder to help her up.

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