Proposal (Sehun EXO~)

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"Don't you think we need to hurry if we wanna see the bride walk down the aisle?" You ask your date. You were fuming with anger as you were already half an hour late to your friend's wedding of whom you were a bridesmaid for.

"Just one min hun." Sehun sings from the bedroom.

"How is it that it takes you million years to get ready whereas I take only a few minutes?" You cry from across the hall while waiting for him.

"Because one needs to look good during a wedding." Sehun retorts.

"That's for the bride and groom. Hurry up already, you are the Bestman for god's sake." You said panicking.

"Relax... I am already ready.. See!" Sehun comes out completely dressed in a dashing suit and charming smile, twirling so you could see how handsome he looked.

"Alright." You manage to say, but within you were fangirling over your ever ravishing boyfriend.

"Ok let's go!" Sehun announces as he drags you off to the parking lot.

"By the way, you look really beautiful today." Sehun says kissing your forehead and heading towards the driver's seat.

You couldn't help but blush as you play his voice over and over again inside your head. Even after 2 years of dating, you would melt with all the compliments Sehun so loved showering you with.

"Thank you. Now let's hurry if we don't want to miss the wedding." You finally say.


"Yah! Seriously?? You are almost an hour late for my friggin wedding. You should have at least passed the rings to D.O if you were going to be late." Suho shouts on the maknae.

"Sorry sorry. Really. I tried coming early but then ________ took a little too longer to get dressed up." Sehun answers.

"WHAT???" Ya, don't lie. He took a shower for almost half an hour. Don't you dare blame it on me." You tell Sehun as you stomp off to be beside your friend.

"Dude, you messed up again." Kai comes inside the room carrying a bouquet of flower. "I saw ________ mumbling as she ran across the hall to go to the bride's room." He adds.

"Ya she seem so pissed. Hyung, let's go. Let's get you married." Chen comes forward holding Suho's arm. "Let me walk you down the aisle." He says proudly.

"WHAT?" Almost everyone in the room shout at the same time surprised. 

"Chill, I was just kidding. But seriously though, let's go now." Chen declares.


"May I have a dance with the beautiful bridesmaid?" Chanyeol asks __________ extending his hand. You gladly take his hand and go to the floor for a dance.

The bride and groom just had their first dance and everyone joined in dancing with their dates. You both look at Suho and his bride, now wife adoring how adorable they looked together.

"When do you wish to be a bride?" Chanyeol ask out of the blue. "I don't know. I haven't given it a much thought. When do you wish to?" You ask him back.

"Wish to be what? A bride?" Chanyeol says giving you a wicked smile. 

You smack his arm ever so lightly. "No you fool, a groom. Or are you happy just being a bestman?"

"I would love to be a groom, but I'll have to fulfill the duties of a bestman soon again before I have my own wedding." Chanyeol replies.

You get confused with the answer and start thinking if there is anyone else in the group who has already thought of a marriage.

"I am sorry, but can I steal my girlfriend now?" Sehun cuts your train of thoughts as he appears with his charming smile again.

"She's all yours." Chanyeol says as he hands you to him. "I feel like a father giving my daughter to her groom during wedding. Please take care of my darling daughter. She is very delicate, keep her happy." Chanyeol jokes as Sehun screams "HYUNG!!!!"

"Sorry, go ahead. I'll see you later ________" As he walks off you stand there giggling as to what Chanyeol had said.

"What was that all about?" You ask Sehun who seems a little baffled and flustered.

"I don't know." Sehun replies a little too loudly and in a higher pitch.

"What's wrong?" You ask him knowing that he always speaks in higher tone when he wants to avoid something.

"Nothing. I just want to have an awesome dance with my honey." Sehun says as he pecks your cheeks.

You slow dance as you bury your face onto his chest and he rests his head over yours.

"_________?" Sehun calls.

"Yeah?" You say smilingly enjoying every moment of this.

"I need to tell you something. I mean ask." He says pulling away so he can see your face.

Slowly almost everyone clears the dance floor as Sehun kneels down in front of you.

You get wide eyed thinking that you were dreaming. "What are you doing Sehun?" You ask almost in whispers.

"Ok, I know I kind of messed this morning when we should have been here because I know how much you care about your friends and time. But that is what always surprises me, as how much ever mad you are with me, you have this patience and always forgive me.

I would never imagine finding a girl like you. Like I said, for a guy like me someone has to have patience and I am happy to have found someone like you. I am so happy that you never pushed me for anything ever. You let me be me and still make me want to be better. You make me want to be a better man  _________ . I can not imagine my life without you.

I have come to love almost everything that has anything to do with you. I fell in love with this klutz who still manages to be graceful even while falling down." 

Everybody laughs listening to this. But then he continues.

"Part of me has wanted to do this for a long time, but then I wanted to make sure if I was ready. I am sorry that I took so long. But ____________, please make me the luckiest man in this world by accepting my proposal? __________, will you marry this fool and be mine forever?"

You just stand there blinking trying to push back your tears. You just manage to nod in a yes.

He stands up putting on the ring on your finger and engulfs you in a hug. You tighten the hug and kiss his cheek. "I cannot imagine my life without you too." You whisper in his ears. 

He pulls you in for a kiss. "She said yes" Sehun screams to the people who were watching the two the whole time.

Everybody cheers and claps as every EXO member makes way to congratulate you and Sehun.

"Thank you Sehun, for making this the best day of my life." You tell him while keeping your hands over his shoulder.

"Ani, the best day is yet to come." He comes closer, "Our wedding night!" He whispers in your ear making you blush violently.

You then just kiss him, the fool who managed to make you fall in love with him. You adored everything he did and now he was going to be your groom, your husband. You couldn't help but smile, ear to ear.

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