Introduction (Doojoon Beast~)

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-It's been a long time since I last wrote. I came up with this in the shower. I don't know why I wrote that. Now I am too lazy to delete it. Hope you like it. Enjoy!


__________ waited by an empty chair while Jaz, her best friend ordered her take out. She saw Doojoon and his gang of friends from the distance walk in the through the door. She hurridely got up from her seat to rush to be by Jaz's side when Doojoon blocked her way.

"Hey _________, fancy meeting you here." Doojoon greets ________.

"H..Hey. Yea. I am waiting for Jaz to collect her take out." She replies to which he nods.

"I should g..." _________ is cut off when Jaz walks towards them, "Did you wait too long? Oh hey Doojoon." She acknowledges Doojoon's presence and waves to him.

"Hey Jaz, what have you got there?" He asks to be polite. "Nothing", she replies. "Oh, I am here with the guys. Hey guys come over here for a second." He waves to his friends who are busily checking out the menu.

"You know Jaz and her friend ________, right. These are my friends, Hyunseung, Junhyung, Yoseob and Kikwang from the school." Doojoon introduces.

All the boys waves at the two. There is an awkward silence for a minute before Doojoon speaks. ________ just looks from one boy to the other, looking at the distanceand then left to right.

"So um, I am having a party at my place tonight. You two should come. It'll be fun." He smiles.

"Party you say? Sure." Jaz replies without hestitation to which _________ nudges her.

"We.. Um. We should uh. We have to.. get going... NOW." _________ says eyeing her best friend. "It was nice to meet you, here I mean. Let's go Jaz. Before I punch you in your face" She adds, the last part audible enough for only the two to hear.

She drags Jaz out of the restaurant, "What the hell Jaz? Why did you say yes for the party?" She confronts Jaz.

"Why the hell not? Look, frankly I am bored hanging out with just us, okay. We should have a change of environment now." Jaz says while dramatically placing her hand over ________'s shoulder. "We NEED change." She exaggerates.

"Those guys are... kind of weird." _________ states. "Ok, I admit his friends are, um. How can I put this nicely, big time dorks? But Doojoon seems like a nice guy." Jaz defends.

"And he keeps eyeing you everytime he sees you. In school, during break and even during P.E. it's kinda stalkish actually." She continues.

"Shut up Jaz. I don't want to." ________ resists.

"Oh come on ________, please. If you do this for me, I promise to do your maths homework for the next week." Jaz offers.

"No cans do baby doll." ________ replies bluntly. "A month?" Jaz tries to negotiate. _________ sighs, "Fine" dragging the syllable. "But you can't leave my side during the party, at all. If you slip away from me for even for a second, I might have to kill you." She says walking off. "And no flirting with guys." She adds.


"Woah, that's quiet a party." Jaz says in awe. ________ just walks hand in hand with her best friend, trying to hang on to her so she doesn't loose Jaz.

"I'll go get us some drinks, meet you by the television set ok." Jaz simply says and walks off towards the kitchen.

_________ is left standing in the middle of the living room in the crowd. Doojoon spots _________ from a distance and makes his way towards her.

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