Freak High/Chapter 25

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The group was in a black, with neon highlights, BMW M5 SMG. Enrick sat in the front with Roger, (who was currently in his wolf form and taking a nap) it disgusted Enrick but he ignored the discomfort. Olivia was still mad at him well... really all three of the girls were still mad at him. Emo Child had fussed at him until she fell asleep in Olivia's lap. Enrick let go a sigh and turned on the radio, and "Lies Of The Beautiful People" by Sixx A.M. came on.

  There was a tap on his shoulder, he looked in the view mirror and noticed Flora.

"What is it Flo?"

  "Um, well I'm still mad at you," she pointed at him to prove her point Enrick just rolled his eyes, "but where are we going exactly?"

A grin appeared on his lips and a twinkle danced in his crimson red eyes. Enrick pulled over and allowed the car behind him to pass. He turned around to face Flora; he looked from Flora to Olivia.

   Olivia narrowed her pale emerald green eyes at him though her glasses.

"You wouldn't know," Enrick looked back at Flora,” but Flora?"


"Remember when Emo Child was less...violent and...scary, and me and that mutt got along better than we do now, and you was a gun obsess child?"

  Olivia sighed and crossed her chest, "Would you get to the point already." Then her eyes went wide, "Flora was a gun obsess child!?"

Flora nodded and smiled sweetly, which sent a chill down Olivia's spine.

Flora turned her attention back to Enrick,

  "Yeah, what about it?"

"We're going to that cliff that we used to go to when we were younger to star watch."

  Flora clapped her hands together happily,


  Olivia looked out her window, 'I rather go watch a movie,' she thought.

"Maybe we could of but one: I'm driving and two: if you had sat in the front, and saved me from the torture of sitting next to the drooling mutt. Then I would have probably cast in my vote for a movie, but," he made a puppy face, "too bad."

  As soon as he turned back around, Olivia was boiling with anger and was about to slap him upside the head but...

"I wouldn't do that you have the Devil Child in your lap." Enrick warned

  "She's too sweet and cute to be a devil," Olivia argued.

"You say that now, just don't move too much or make any loud noises or... just DON'T wake her up."

  An hour later Roger was being awaken from his slumber. When he came to it, he snapped at that person's hand.

  "What the hell is the big idea!?" Enrick snapped annoyed

Roger didn't move, Enrick rolled his eyes and pulled out a tennis ball, and waved it in Roger's face.

   "C'mon boy, c'mon you know you want it!"

Roger's yellow-red eyes narrowed to slits,

   "What the hell do I look like?"

He got up onto his fours and stretched then jumped out immediately transformed into his halfie form. Enrick closed the door; Roger looked around,

  "So where did you take us Enrick?"

Enrick opened the trunk of the BMW, "can't you tell?"

  Roger sniffed the air then immediately covered his nose like he just smelled something bad.

"Of all the places why here? I thought we agreed that as soon as you became prince we would stop coming here?"

  Enrick closed the trunk, with in hand a basket and a case of cold Bud light.

"But it’s not like I take due to my princely duties, I’m a vulgar pervert for the love of God!"     

   Roger raised an eyebrow as he followed Enrick up the hill were the others were,


   At the top of the hill the girls had already set up, tiki torches were arranged in a circle and the old bench had been cleaned up, and was centered in the middle of the tiki torches. The radio sat on the bench with Emo Child, who awoke on her own, turning the dial with her tail trying to choose a station. She landed on a station that was playing "Beer Is Good" by Psychostik; Enrick cracked a bottle opened and chugged down the beer like it was water. Emo Child banged her head to the music; Olivia and Flora chanted, "Chug, chug, chug!" When the song ended Roger narrowed his eyes at Enrick, "Don't get drunk too early, I don't feel like carrying your royal ass back to the school."

   "Aw, your no fun, and I'm not drunk," Enrick argued

"Yet," Roger smirked

Enrick frowned, "that's creepy man, don't look at me like that."

"I'm not gay,"

"I didn't say you were gay, but then again who knows." Enrick shrugged

   Roger growled, "What are you trying to say?"

Enrick opened his mouth to reply, but then there was a demon like growl,

   "If you idiots don't shut the fuck up, I swear I will tear out your tongues or lungs, either one will do maybe both even better."

   Flora hid behind Olivia and whimpered, "guys stop arguing, it’s annoying Emo Child. Remeber the last time you did that and she went off."

  Roger's and Enrick's faces paled; Olivia was confused, "sooo what happened, i'm still lost."

Enrick looked back at her, "What you're trying to say is that you still think Emo Child is... kind and....cute...blah!! THAT'S A LOAD OF BULL CRAP!!!!"

Olivia crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at him, "Oh really, then prove it your Highness."

Flora's, Roger's, and even Emo Child's eyes went wide; Flora and Roger took several steps away from the two and Emo Child hid underneath the bench. Enrick's eyes narrowed; he raised an eyebrow, "Your Highness? Are you still ticked off that I didn't tell you?" He was suddenly in front of Olivia, "There was no point on telling you because at that point I saw you as something as food and lower than dirt." Enrick hissed

  Olivia's eyes darkened, "It was a simply question, there was no need to get so bitchy about it."

"I just didn't like your tone of voice."

"Well do you want me to repeat the question in a different tone?"

   Then Flora shouted, "Look!! A meteor shower!!!!" Olivia and Enrick turned away from each other; Olivia was mad at him for a lot of things and the list just kept getting longer.

   She watched as the stars zoomed across the sky with grace and beauty, Flora stood next to her while holding a bored Emo Child.

  "Oo oo, Olivia, look how pretty the stars look!"

"Yeah, nice," Olivia replied with little excitement in her voice

"I rather see them blow up and people screaming for their lives," Emo Child complained

"Humph, you always want to see people in fear and agony, but you do that every day so stop complaining," Roger scoffed

   Enrick didn't say anything; he left the group and went down the hill and lit a cigarette, he had to clear his mind and stay calm. He breathed out the smoke and started walking through the woods.

Then there was an explosion....

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