Freak High/Chapter 38 Cont...

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      Suddenly a powerful wind blasted them in the face, causing for them to hold onto the nearest tree.

“What the hell was that!?” Roger shouted.

Lavon picked himself up, his wings ripped from his back, and he flew over the trees to get a look at what made that wave of energy. What he saw almost made him drop from the air in fear. 

 Ch. 38 Cont...

    “Lavon,” Olivia ran up towards Lavon who was pale faced.

She stopped and placed a hand on Lavon’s shaking shoulder, his wings tense and his eyes became white with fear.

“Lavon, what did you see?” Olivia asked worriedly.

When he didn’t answer but fell to his knees and shake violently. She yelled frantically for Roger; he ran toward them and knelt down. Roger placed a comforting hand on Lavon’s back. He looked up at Olivia questionably,

   “Did he say what he saw?”

Olivia shook her head and rubbed he hands nervously, “No, I’m worried about my brother, and I don’t know what Lavon saw dealing with Tommy.”

 Lavon coughed, “What I saw wasn’t right, it just wasn’t right.” Lavon whispered and shook his head in denial.

  He sat up and held himself staring at nothing in particular.

Roger shook his shoulder slightly, “Lavon what did you see,” he said slowly.

Lavon blinked slowly and turned to the concern two with a blank look in his white eyes.

   “You should see it for yourself,” he pointed to Olivia, “especially you, Olivia.”

Olivia frowned and stood up and looked at Roger, “Should we leave him here to see what’s he’s talking about?”

   Strangled cries of pain and agony sounded in the distance answering her question. Roger transformed into his wolf form and knelt for Olivia to climb on. Soon they were dodging upcoming trees and jumping over limbs, and picking up speed the louder the blood crudely screams ripped through the chilly night air.

  Another blast of energy came at them causing for Roger to dig his crude claws into the earth; he snarled. Olivia clung to his dark orange almost black colored fur to keep from flying off.

  Olivia sensed the tension in Roger’s muscles; he was getting tired of this. Olivia yelped when she wasn’t warned when he lunched himself into the air and hit the ground running. He was running with the extra boost from his vampire speed, and within a few seconds he stopped suddenly. Then jumped behind a tree immediately; Olivia sensed the sudden fast pace of his heart. It was beating at a panic race; she was so busy having her face buried in his fur that she hadn’t seen what had disturbed him.   

  Olivia climbed off of Roger and began to step from behind the tree. When Roger grabbed her shirt with his teeth and pulled her back. Olivia turned back and frowned at him, “What? That is my brother out there, and besides. Lavon told me that I especially needed to see this.”

  Roger growled in disagreement, and shook his shaggy board head.

Olivia glared, “I don’t care if you disagree. I’m going out there.”

He didn’t take but one step when Olivia turned around sharply and pointed at him.

  “And DON’T stop me,” she snapped.

Roger backed away growling and whimpering; Olivia sighed and step from behind the tree. What she saw made her gasp in shock. A shiver of fear ran down her spine as she looked upon what was her brother,

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