Freak High/Chapter 45: pt. 2

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Olivia opened her mouth to say something, but he placed a finger on her lips. He grinned at her with a playful secret prancing around on his lips,

  “Uh-uh, I listened to you, now you’re going listen to me. You told me that you may look like your mother, but that doesn’t mean you are her. And you told me to take another look. So I did, and you’re right, you’re not her because I could never love someone like her like I do you…”

  Olivia blinked and stared at him dumbfounded,

‘What…?’  “Y-you love…me?”

Stefan smiled slightly and nodded his head. From within, Olivia was jumping for joy, but she had to remember the cold logical truth.

Love…doesn’t exist in Stefan’s world, and she knew that. This was just another one of Stefan’s cruel jokes; her eyes down casted and hardened.

 ‘He wants to see if I’ll fall for his trick, for me to trip up and tell him my feelings. Well then, he has another thing coming for him.’

“Humph, whatever, I don’t care. Never did love you anyhow.”


“You heard me, I don’t care, and you can’t make me love you because I’ll never will.”

 ‘You’re lying…’

“Fine then, I’ll just make you care, and I won’t make you love me. I’ll have you fall for me…hard. Oh, and another before you go. Never say never, my sweet, sweet, Olivia because you’re just going to be proven wrong at the end.”

 Olivia laughed bitterly, “You’ll just be wasting your breath.”

Then she pulled the door open and left, and found herself in a garden. Olivia shielded her eyes from the sudden blaring sun. As eyes adjusted she saw that she stood on stone path that led to a patio. On the patio sat Yin and Yang; Yin drinking tea and Yang drinking a bottle of beer. Both of them looked up to see Olivia; Yin smiled but immediately the smile dropped and became a frown. Yang took another swig of her drink and eyes narrowed, but a small twisted grin appeared on her lips.

“I take it by the unshed tears; it didn’t go well between you and Mr. Lover Boy?”

Olivia gritted her teeth and wiped away the tears, she hadn’t known of, away. She began walking down the path with finding herself interested with every flower she came across.

“I have no idea what you mean. Anyway, I never had any feelings, such as love, for him to start with, so quit it.”

Olivia started when she was suddenly turned around sharply by Yin. Yin growled, “Quit it, you want us to stop!?”

  Yang raised a hand in defense, “Hey, I ain’t got anything to do this shitty crap. Don’t say ‘us’ bitch, this is all you. Say ‘I’, ‘me’, and yourself, anything but ‘us’. Got it, good, now continued scolding the even more stupid heifer."

 Yin shot red daggers at Yang from the corner of her eye, “I don’t have time for your drunken state, Yang.”

  Yang shrugged and waved her hand in a dismissing way, “Wat ev’ mama.”

Yin turned back to Olivia and sighed, “Now about you and Stefan-,” she was suddenly cut off as Olivia sharply pulled herself from her grasp, and slapped her hand away. She looked up with tearful and fearful pale emerald green eyes.

 “I DON’T CARE!!!”

  ‘Ba-boom…,’ Olivia gasped as she heard the voice of her own heart, ‘you do care. You’re just afraid; you are like a caged bird with no song. But if you find the key to your cage you would be set free. Just as Stefan is; you are the key to his cage and he is the key to yours. But you’re not ready to sing yet, so all we can do is…wait.’

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