Freak High/Chapter 8

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 They were gripping each other by the shirt, throwing threats, and unknowingly coming closer, not even realizing that Enrick was on top of her. That was how consume they were in their hatred that they were unaware of the actions they were taking.

  Olivia was the first to realize the position they were in, and the sun had finally set. She also noticed Enrick’s fangs; “You haven’t eaten have you?” the question was so out of the blue that it caught him off guard.

  He sat back, letting her sit up, and again they only looked at each other. The sound of the garage door closing made Olivia stiffen, they had said that they would be gone for three weeks; she gripped the sleeve of Enrick’s shirt. Between a vampire and her murderous parents she rather stick with the vampire, even if he was a damn bastard.

 “W-Why are they back?” she whispered as she listened to the footsteps on the wooden stairs.

Then she was being laid back onto the bed, “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Play along,” was all Enrick said as he traced his hand under her shirt.

  Olivia’s eyes widen as her bra was unfastened, a little sound escaped her lips, and strangely the pain on the back of her head was vanishing. The doorknob began to slowly twist; she gripped the back of Enrick’s shirt, another sound but louder escaped her lips as Enrick buried his face in her breast. The twisting of the knob stopped and the footsteps faded and the hallway light was turned off.

  That’s when Olivia snapped into action before the whole charade became reality. She threw a punch at Enrick, but he stopped her attack and stared down on her. “As if I would go any further, that would be disgusting.” He spat on the ground, “fake sex with a human is bad, but actually doing it is worse.”

  Olivia pulled the sheets to cover her bare chest.

Enrick only shook his head, “As if I would be interested in your figure, I’ve seen better female figures than that.”

  “I’m really considering on snapping your neck right now,” Enrick knew she wasn’t serious he could hear it in her voice, she was embarrassed.

  Enrick leaned in, Olivia leaned back, and there was a creepy pervert look in his eyes. He reached over and gripped the hem of the sheet covering her chest, “but I’ll tell you one thing your good at making it sound and feel real. You really wanted it, didn’t you?”

  “Hell as if I would let snake hands like yours touch me!” Olivia hissed

  “You didn’t mind just now.”

  “You know I liked you better when you were pissed off with me.”

  “Humph. I wouldn’t say that if I was you. Its night and night is when vampires’ powers and thirst for blood is at its highest point.”

  “Then why won’t you just go out there and feed? Instead of pinning me onto the bed with that pervert look in your eyes!”

 A grin appeared on Enrick’s lips, “because I’ve already tasted your blood and filled my nostrils with the scent of your blood. That really explains why you don’t feel any pain on the back of your head anymore.” Olivia’s eyes widen, Enrick gave her a creepy knowing smile. “Yes, that’s right and if you don’t want me to drink you dry it would best to not piss me off.”

  Olivia cringed in disgust and fear, but she wasn’t about to allow him the pleasure of sensing her fear, and consume it along with her body and soul. “Well I don’t see anything else of your interest.”

  Enrick sat up on Olivia and rubbed his chin knowingly while looking down on her with a grin, his eyes ablaze and his fangs visible.

“True, you are but a human, the only thing of interest to me is the taste of your blood. But I don’t wish to kill you at this moment, its best to let food stretch for a few weeks or months if I find something else of interest, you know.”

  Olivia paled, she opened her mouth to scream but Enrick pressed his lips against hers. Olivia was caught in surprise but not enough to try to slap him, but he only gripped her wrist. He sat up not saying anything, Olivia on the other hand was furious, “Why the hell did you just do that!?”

  “I wouldn’t want you screaming and having your parents get suspicious, that wouldn’t be any fun.”

 Olivia growled, “There are three things that describe you,”

 “Go on, what are the three things that describe me?” a smirk played on Enrick’s lips

  “You’re a creep, a bastard, and a pervert.”

Enrick raised an eyebrow and leaned back in, “so I’m not a monster, unnatural... a Freak?”

  Olivia’s eyes narrowed, “Those don’t even fit the way you’re acting right now.” Enrick grinned and titled his head towards her neck, Olivia stiffened was he going to do it, drink her lifespan?! But instead he licked her on her neck; a shiver went down her spine, that’s worst! With the room she had she pushed Enrick off of her, “EWW! YOU PERVERT!!!!!”

  Olivia pulled the covers around her tighter, “What is up with you!!?”

  Enrick only gave her a sly look, “Which one would you rather have, me playing with you or sucking you bone dry? I would rather play than get rid of you so quickly that’ll be no fun, I do have a point don’t I?”

  Olivia began to say that he didn’t have a point but then she realized she didn’t want to die. Even if that was the express ticket out of her messed up life, but... but was there something out there that is worth living for her, just waiting for her to grasp hold of?      

    “I don’t want to die yet, so I guess you do have a point but,” Enrick raised an eyebrow, “but I don’t want to be your damn play toy that’s just wrong.”

  Enrick sat up and raced a hand through his black, faint red-highlighted hair. “Ok, but there is only two choices be drunk dry or play house the rated R style, so I guess you rather be drunk dried?”

  “No, I don’t what either!!!!!”

Enrick sighed disappointed, “Did you know that you are horribly boring? ‘Cause if you didn’t I just gave you a heads up.”

  “I am not boring; I’m a lot of fun!”

Enrick crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, “Oh, really? I would like for you to prove that theory.”

  Olivia frantically looked around her dim room for anything that said she was a fun person.


  Enrick rolled his eyes, “as I thought you’re boring than dirt.”

    “Am not, it’s just that I don’t like your version of fun.”

Enrick lay back on the bed with his hands folded behind his head, “Well too bad at night is where the humans don’t have a say so on what they want to do, but it’s the Freaks that do because we own the night.”

  Olivia narrowed her pale green eyes, “You can kiss my ass I ain’t about go by that fucked up rule.”

  “Really, I can kiss your ass?”

  “No, you damn pervert that’s not what I meant!!!!!”

Olivia looked towards the window that had a crack in it thanks to Enrick smashing her into it. And saw the darkness being chased away by the light, dusk. Finally, Olivia breathed out a sign of relief, she looked towards Enrick whose face was shadowed as the sun rose higher in the sky. Now she could ask him about Ellen, well that’s if he doesn’t kill her in the process.

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