✖ Chapter 1 ✖

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This is the moment I live for; having everyone's eyes on me as they all chant my name in unison. I don't care what anyone else says. Being an athlete isn't all about being able to sit at the cool kids table during lunch, or having that certain unspoken privilege of being able to attend all the hottest parties. Don't get me wrong, I damn well know how narcissistic I am, and sometimes I feel the need to go buy myself a pet goldfish to give myself something to care about other than myself, but when I get on that ice, and get that hockey puck through the goal, that's when all that superficial fluff sheds off of me like dead weight. That's when I'm as close to being the little kid who dreamed of playing hockey one day just years ago.

Playing hockey makes me feel alive, and I wouldn't give that up for the world.

"Go boy! Go!" My father screamed from the stands, my mom standing next to him with a huge sign that had my name painted across it in my school colors.

There was only forty seconds left on the clock, and if I made this shot, we won the game.

Beads of sweat trickled down my forehead as I glided across the icy surface of the hockey ring. The cold current of air stung my cheeks. The sound of my hockey mates and the opposing teams blades gliding across the ice beat against my ear drums. My senses were heightened, and my heart was pounding.

"Five...four...three..." The crowed began to count down.

Taking a deep breath, I cleared my mind and took the shot.

The entire crowd, as well as the announcers, the refs, and the hockey teams stood deafeningly silent.

"Yeah!" My father screamed along with the crowd, half scaring my mom to death.

The entire crowd roared, the home side shouting in praise, the guest side groaning and fuming in disappointment.

Way to make my inner child proud. I laughed to myself as I removed my hockey helmet.

"Now wouldn't you look at that..." The announcer began. "Tyson McDaniel has yet again made the winning score. There's no doubt that those college scouts tonight are considering to take him under their wing now. This concludes as one victorious night for Cappa Bay High!"

With the biggest hug that she could muster, my mom wrapped her arms around me, leaving her infamous bubblegum pink lipstick stain on my cheek.

"I'm so proud of you!" She said in excitement, with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Way to go kiddo!" My dad rejoiced, ruffling my damp sweaty hair. "I knew you could do it. You always do!"

My little brother was too busy tapping away at the screen of his phone to bask in my victory, but I didn't care if he noticed. The people I wanted to notice had noticed, and that's all I cared about.

"Thanks for coming." I smiled at both my parents. "It really means a lot."

"We wouldn't miss these games for the world." My dad said softly, grinning as he gave me a hug. "I'm extremely proud of you son. Extremely proud."

Hearing my dad say those words made me feel like a little kid again.

To everyone, I may have been the Tyson McDaniel, but I liked the fact that to my old man, I'd always be his little boy.

"Yo Tyson." A familiar voice called from across the crowd.

Breaking the hold he had on me, my dad patted me on the shoulder, smiling in a way that told me I had permission to go.

Searching for the voice, I found Reed waving his hand in the air as he smiled at me to get my attention.

Smirking, I made my way towards him and the guys, getting playfully punches and pats on the back of approval from each and everyone one of them.

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