✖ Chapter 16 ✖

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Hockey pulled me back into that superficial part of my life again. Today I was stuck staying after school for hockey practice. Although I loved the sport, and practice seemed to be going well, my head wasn't really where it should have been.

I kept thinking about what happened two days ago, and how strange my life has been since I've met him. All I could think about was how nice it would be to be at home with him instead of getting slammed into the wall, and skidding across the ice into a face plant.

Apart from what was going on in my head, there was a lot of tension in the ring today. It was mainly because Brendan was back, being the asshole that he usually was during practice. If he wasn't making the coach happy, everyone else had to pay for it by enduring his rotten attitude.

"...Yo." Reed sighed, gliding next to me. "This sucks..."

"Yeah, I know." I replied, taking the puck across the ice. "Things were better when he wasn't here..."

"Don't speak too loud." He warned. "Kid seems like he's going back into full anger mode."

"I don't care..." I muttered. "If he has a problem, I'll deal with it."

Reed seemed to be a little surprised by my response.

"...What happened to you? You're like...different now." He inferred, slightly annoying me.

"That's part of life captain obvious. People change..." I sighed, taking the puck back around the cones. "I'm just really getting tired of Brendan's shit..."

"Yeah, I've noticed. Especially how you stood up to him, and defended that gay kid..." He said, completely stopping me in my tracks.

"McDaniel." Coach called me sternly, snapping me out of the death glare I was giving Reed. "Keep moving."

"...His name is Phillip." I corrected the punk as I shoved past him.

"Aye, ease up. I'm still sore from yesterday's practice..." Reed mumbled, rubbing his arm. "What's up with you and the fairy anyway? Like are you his guardian angel or something? Heard you saved him from offing himself on the football field. If you ask me, you should have let him die. Too many fucking fags populating the planet anyway. We'd be better off with one less..."

Never in my life had I wanted to hurt someone so bad. I couldn't come to speak because of how angry I was.

"...Yo, you good?" Reed asked, his sorry ass unaware of what I was about to do.

Rushing across the ice towards him, I rammed by hockey stick straight into his shin and watched as he tumbled down and yelped like a dog in pain.

"...You and Brendan? Yeah, you both are equally pieces of shit. You know what the world needs? Less assholes like you who think they have a say in who gets to live and who doesn't. You're disgusting..." I fumed, crouching down over him, watching as he winced and looked at me in fear. "You talk about Phillip like that again, next time it won't be a hockey stick to the shin..."

Gliding across the ice, I left him there, watching as a couple of my teammates looked puzzled.

"What are you, a fag?" Reed yelled out after me.

Ignoring him, I tried to exit the ring, only to find my coach stopping me with his hand.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

"Home. I'm done for the day." I muttered, avoiding his eyes.

"Listen, I don't know what just happened, but I'm the one who decides when practice is over." He said, trying to establish some bullshit superiority.

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