✖ Chapter 7 ✖

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Slowly but surely the rain began to subside. Phillip sat quietly next to me the whole ride. I didn't blame him. Having seen what I just saw made me realize that there was no way I could have understood the type of world that he lived in, or the type of shit that he had to deal with on a day to day basis.

He was the type of person who lived a life people only saw in the movies, or people heard about on the five o'clock news.

He was the type of person that made other people look back on their life, and all the things that they had to be thankful for.

"Here it is..." I said, pulling up into my drive way.

I could tell that he was too suck in his thoughts to hear me.

"Phillip...?" I softly called out to him.

Looking up, he turned his head up towards me, a crooked smile sitting across his lips while his eyes remained hollow.

"...We're here?" He whispered. "At your house?"

Nodding my head, I smiled out of pity, feeling his hurt.

"Come on..." I said softly, unbuckling my seat belt.

A second later, we were both standing in front of my door step, the grocery bags occupying both of our hands.

Before I could even push on the door bell, the door swung open with a little brat staring up at me, a frown ripped across his pill's berry dough boy cheeks.

"What took you so long?" He barked at me. "And who the heck is this?"

"Excuse my brother, he's not properly house trained yet..." I said with venom, smiling at Phillip. "Scram!"

"You don't scare me..." Evan growled, snatching the groceries from me. "Mom! Tyson's being an asshole to me in front of his friend!"

A sudden burst of laughter came from next to me.

"...I'm sorry." I smiled sheepishly as I watched Phillip practically die next to me in laughter. "I promise things won't be like this the whole night."

"...I hope so." He laughed some more, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Evan! We don't use that type of language in this house!" My mom fumed as she came running towards the door. "Hello, I'm Ms. McDaniel, I'm sorry about that."

"It's nice to meet you Ms. McDaniel. I'm Phillip and it's okay." He replied with a soft smile. "Would you like me to take these to the kitchen for you?"

"Oh! Sure." My mom smiled in surprise. "You're friends need to be more like him..."

"Mom..." I mumbled.

Phillip chuckled some more as he took the lead into the house.

Closing the door behind me, I sighed at the embarrassing first impression my family was making.

Then again, I couldn't help but find myself smiling. Seeing him laugh like that made me...happy.

"So what's the plan?" My dad asked as he sat at the dinner table, tapping away at his laptop.

"Phillip's staying over for the night." I answered, watching as Phillip's blue eyes slightly widened.

"Cool. Welcome." My dad said as he took a second to look up from his computer and smile at him.

"Thanks..." Phillip replied coyly.

"Phillip, would you mind helping me prepare dinner?" My mom asked, making me want to shake the life out of her.

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