✖ Chapter 5 ✖

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Everyone silently waited for me to begin. Not a single finger dared to touch a piece of food that sat on each and everyone of their trays. Even though I was the one who knew what was going on, and I was the one that was going to hash out that information with them, I felt the suspense and anticipation up to my eyebrows.

To be honest, I didn't want to tell them a damn thing. These people may have considered themselves my friends, and to some I could honestly say I felt the same, but the only person I trusted enough to tell here was Tristan. He may have been a stoner, but that added on to one of the reasons why I trusted him so much. The kid was damn near too loyal, which got him in quite a lot of trouble.

That's it. I've made up my mind. I need to create a diversion. I thought, staring at them as they all stared at me. There's no way I'm telling these guys anything.

"Well?" Lily voiced, tapping her fingers across the table.

Grabbing a piece of bread off my plate, I began to chew.

"So this is what happened..." I said, watching as some of them followed after me, as if me eating first was the signal they needed to eat themselves. "Tristan and I were talki-"

Purposely, I swallowed the quarter sized piece of bread whole, slamming my fist down on the table as I felt the painful struggle of the piece of bread trying to force it's way down my throat.

"Hey man, you okay?" Tristan worried. "You're turning red."

I motioned at him to come over as I started choking.

"Bruh, what the hell!" Tristan exclaimed, running around the table to come save me.

Hm. Now I know who I can trust with my life. The others are just staring at me like a bunch of stupid idiots...

I managed to cough up the piece of bread on my own, but I made sure to keep my mouth shut so that when he came over and started doing the Heimlich maneuver, I'd forcefully spit it out, making it seem as if he saved me.

Rushing over, Tristan yanked me out of my seat, wrapped both of his hands arms around my stomach, and pumped my stomach so hard that I didn't even need to pretend to spit the piece of bread out.

Monica squealed as it smacked her right in the center of her forehead.

As I continued to cough, Tristan suddenly dragged me to the water fountain on the far side of the cafeteria, frowning so hard that you would have almost thought that his face was going to get stuck that way.

"...Man, seriously? Are you okay?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Not anymore." I winced as I twisted back and forth to loosen the stomach muscles that he practically crushed. "I'm not telling them what happened."

"...Wait what? Why not?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Because I don't trust them like I trust you, and I don't want to make what happened worse for the other person involved." I sighed, glancing out of the corner of my eye to see that they were still staring, some of them looking seemingly worried.

"Okay, so then...I mean..." He said, waiting for me to fill in the blanks.

"Come with me..." I sighed, making my way out of the cafeteria's front double doors.

I could hear his foot steps trailing after mine as he followed me out onto the football field.

His soft mumbles of annoyance traveling forward from behind me made me smirk. He didn't have to put up with my crap, but I appreciated the fact that he did.

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