✖ Chapter 11 ✖

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On my way to the hospital this morning, the conversation that Tristan and I had yesterday brought up all these questions that I hadn't thought about before. For example, I knew that I really liked Phillip, but how exactly was it that guys dated guys? Did they do what straight couples did? Or did they act more like those long life married gay couples you saw in chick flicks? And when we crossed that path, if we decided to take what we had to the next level, who would be on the receiving end...of you know? And how does one learn how to have...well....gay sex?

Apart from thoughts like that, there was also the whole idea of me coming out. Even though my mom was being as supportive as she was now, there was no telling whether or not she'd accept me. My dad...I don't even want to think about how he'd react, given the fact that he's already demanding that I stop seeing him, and all Phillip and I are right now are just friends.

When I was dating Lucy, I didn't really care to buy her nice things, and the idea never crossed my mind. Now here I was, walking down the hospital corridor with a giant stuffed bear in one hand, and another bouquet of a dozen fresh yellow roses in the other.

As nerve wrecking as all of this was, it was also extremely exciting. For the first time I actually genuinely liked someone, and that alone was going to open up a door of events I probably would have never imagined could happen my senior year.

Before I entered Phillip's room, I took a deep breath, trying to clear my mind, trying to calm myself down.

The second I entered the room, something grabbed hold of me, and held on tightly.

After being slightly stunned for a second, I brought my eyes down, only to see that chocolate and vanilla swirl of hair underneath my chin.

"I'm sorry..." Phillip whispered as he held on to me. "I'm so sorry..."

"Hey, it's okay." I reassured him, still quite surprised. "It's okay. There's nothing to be sorry about."

Looking up at me, his blue eyes met mine, dark circles cast under them.

"...You didn't sleep last night, did you?" I asked him, unable to keep the frown I felt coming on from taking over my lips.

"I couldn't..." He replied, taking a few steps back as he wrapped his arms around himself. "I kept thinking about the way you...the way I made you worry, the way I scared you like that. Then I kept thinking about how much you probably hate me for making you go through something like that."

"Hey..." I called out to him, placing the teddy bear and the bouquet of roses on the counter. "I'm just glad that you're okay."

As I took a few steps towards him, he took a couple steps back, bumping into the foot of his hospital bed with his hip.

"...I...I don't want to hurt you like that again." He said, dropping his blue eyes to the white tiles of the floor. "I don't have many...any...friends, and you've been so great. I don't want you to hate me. I don't want to lose you..."

Walking towards him, this time he didn't step back, allowing me to tilt his head up so I could meet his eyes.

"...Then don't." I whispered. "Promise me you won't try that again."

Looking at me with those puppy dog like eyes of his, they began to well up as his cheeks bloomed a soft red.

"...I promise." He whispered back.

Smiling, I wrapped my arms around him, basking in the warmth that he gave off.

You're not as ice cold as you were when I held you before...

"Then there's nothing to be worried about anymore." I replied, ruffling his hair as I pulled away from the hug."Now no more stressing, you should be back in bed."

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