✖ Chapter 10 ✖

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It's been three days since he's still been asleep. Three days. It's been three days since I've been stuck at his bedside, my mom coming to the hospital every now and then to check up on me, my old man still pissed off at the fact that I'm still seeing him.

Today's day three, the day I've finally stopped crying.

He was still asleep, but I had hope that he'd wake up. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even a week from now, but I knew that he would. I had to know that he would.

"Hey..." I whispered as I smiled at him, running my fingers through his vanilla and chocolate dirty blond hair. "Sorry I had to go, but I'm back now. My mom was freaking out, demanding that I take myself home to get a good nights rest."

Caressing his cheek, I placed the bouquet of yellow roses I brought for him down by his side.

"We never got to finish that song you know?" I said attentively looking at him. "So I brought my guitar today."

Grabbing my guitar from the side of the chair, I adjusted the tone, and picked up where he and I left off.

"...Gonna hold ya, gonna kiss ya in my arms." I began, gently strumming the strings. "Gonna take ya... away from harm."

"...Hm. So he's the one you dumped Lucy for." Tristan replied as he stepped into the room with his hands in his pockets.

"Shut up..." I smiled his way, as I continued to play my guitar.

"...But no, in all seriousness man, what is he to you?" He asked, bringing the notes that were coming from my guitar to a complete stop. "Because, the way I saw you hold on to him out there on the field...the way you looked at him..."

Dropping my guitar to my side, I sat in the chair next to Phillip's bedside as I thought about the first time I saw him up until this very moment.

Tristan simply stood there, waiting for an answer as he sat in the seat across the room.

"...I've never met anyone who makes me feel the way he does." I finally replied with a weak chuckle, my eyes watering. "And I honestly don't know what that means."

"...Do you want to know what I think?" Tristan said after some time of silence.

Sighing, I nodded my head.

"...I think you've found something real, and I think you should hold on to it." Tristan said, as he got comfortable in his chair. "No matter what happens man..."

"...Who would have thought that the stoner could give such good advice?" I laughed.

"Eh, say that to me again when I can actually get my shit together." He smirked, opening a can of cranberry juice he found on Phillip's food tray that sat on the counter. "Can I ask you something else?"

"Sure." I replied, as I wheeled my chair closer to Phillip's bed so I could hold his hand.

"...Does this mean that you're um, you know...like..." He said, beating around the question I knew he was trying to ask.

"Gay?" I laughed, rubbing the back of Phillip's hand with my thumb.

"Uh, yeah, that..." Tristan replied, almost choking on his cranberry juice.

"...Um, well I haven't kissed him yet." I replied, looking over at him.

"...Do you want to?" He replied, slitting his eyes at me.

Looking back at Phillip, a child-like smile grew on my face just thinking about it.

"...Yeah. I do." I said softly.

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