✖ Chapter 8 ✖

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Dawn was so bright this morning that I didn't even need to open my eyes to feel the sun's rays attacking my corneas. It was almost like someone turned on a heat lamp right on top of me.

No... I groaned, tossing and turning on the comforter that was separating me from the cold oak wood panels of my bedroom floor.

Hope he liked the bed... I yawned, really missing the soft mattress and comfy pillows.

Last night I let Phillip have the bed. I myself hated sleeping over at other people's homes because I never could. I didn't want that for him, so I made sure that he was comfortable, especially after what happened at his place.

Prying my eyes open, it took them a second to focus the world around me.

How can you sleep with that on? I groaned, watching as my heater was buzzing in the distance.

The damn thing had a habit of making me stuffy, but just for him, just for one night, I compromised.

"...Phillip?" I called out, looking at my made up bed.

...Where'd he go? I thought, scratching my head as I stood up.

Looking around, something caught my eye.

Instead of finding him on the bed, all I found was a white sheet of torn paper that read:

Sorry I left without saying goodbye. We've got school in the morning, and well, my clothes aren't here. So I left an hour early. I hope you don't mind. Thanks for being there for me when I needed someone.


As I held the sheet of paper in my hand, a soft smile crept itself across my puffy morning face.

"Way to make an exit..." I laughed to myself. "Pretty nice hand writing too..."

Looking across my room, I walked over to my bulletin board and pinned his note up.

Just a second later my phone's alarm started going off, making me sigh once I realized that I had to come back to reality and go get ready for school.

Yeah, shut up. I know... I thought, yanking my phone from my night stand to dismiss the alarm. Wish it were the weekend. So not ready to deal with the crap waiting for me. Those guys are still waiting for me to explain what happened, and avoiding Lucy is like mission impossible. Then there's my locker...

"Morning..." My dad said, scaring me half to death.

He was standing in the doorway with a cup of coffee in his hand. Apart from everyone else in the house, he was always up and ready to go in the mornings. If he wasn't punctual, it threw off his entire day.

"...Morning." I replied, placing my phone back down. "Scared me there..."

"Well now I'm sure you're awake. Listen, can I talk to you for a second?" He asked, slightly worrying me.

"Uh, sure..." I replied, sitting myself on the edge of my bed.

Allowing his self in, he took a seat next to me, slightly slouching over as he craned his head to the side to look at me.

"...So who was that yesterday?" He asked, giving me an idea of what our little conversation was going to be about.

Oh don't start...

"Phillip. A friend." I replied, watching his expression.

"Right, and how come this is the first time we've met him or heard about him?" He asked, being the annoying parental figure that he could be sometimes.

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