✖ Chapter 3 ✖

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No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get what happened last night out of my head. The second I managed to put a foot through the front door, my mom started yelling at me because of how late I walked in. She always overreacted like that when I came home late, but last night of course was different. The blood she found on my hands really got her worked up.

She started shaking me by my shoulders as she screamed, "What have you done," over and over and over again. She shook me so hard that I felt my brain knocking around in my head.

The only sensible person in the house seemed to be my dad at the time. Saving me from her wrath, he tried to calm her down.

Once he had, they tried talking to me like normal people, but I didn't care to talk to anyone. I'd pretty much gone on autopilot and stormed off to my room.

Being up here in bed didn't help much because after my shower, after trying to scrub the living hell out of my hands to get the blood off, I just laid down in bed and stared up at the twirling fan panels, unable to fall asleep.

All night had been a long loud silence, one that I wish I could get away from.

In the short distance my phone began to ring, pulling me out of the trance I had on the fan, making me realize just how long I stayed up when my eyes quickly glanced at the window to see the sun rising.

Picking up my phone off of the night stand, the corners of my lips arched down followed by a harsh dip in my eyebrows.

"Listen, I don't give a damn what your excuse was for not showing up. At the end of the day you weren't there, and if you'd just been there, things would have gone the way they were suppose to. I wouldn't be stuck in bed too tired and messed up in the head to fall asleep! So screw you Lucy! Don't fucking try to call back when I hang up because I'm not answering! Fuck you!" I raged, flinging my phone across the room, out of breath from being so damn angry.

"....Tyson." My father called from the other side of my door, half scaring me to death. "You okay in there?"

"Yes! I'm fine dad! I'm fine!" I fumed, forcing the lie through my teeth.

"I beg to differ. Open the door..." He demanded, seeing right through it.

Pinching the bridge of my nose as I dragged myself out of my bed, I reluctantly did what he asked, glaring at him with clenched teeth once I'd opened the door.

"...What the hell happened last night?" He asked, narrowing his eyes as he tilted his head to the side.

Sighing, I walked back over to my bed and sat down, burying my face in my hands.

"Well?" My dad pestered, taking a seat next to me.

Raising my head back up, I gave him this look that screamed for him to just leave me alone.

"Nuh uh." He disapproved. "You're not going to walk into this house the way you did last night, and not tell us what happened. Especially if you were covered in blood. That's not an option."

"...It was suppose to be a stupid dance." I groaned, flopping back on my bed.

"Uh huh, and it wasn't because?" He pried, looking over at me.

"...Because I walked in on something I wish I wouldn't have." I said, closing my eyes as I crossed my arms over my chest. "He was on the ground, just laying there, bleeding, tired, and cold..."

Quickly sitting up, I rubbed my eyes as I groaned in frustration. I didn't want to get the words out. I didn't think I could.

"...Who was on the ground?" My dad asked, this worried expression painting over his face.

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