✖ Chapter 2 ✖

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WARNING: This chapter is pretty messed up. Just a heads up. May be triggering. Also, there's a bit of profanity... Yeah.

Thanks to my athletic figure, I could pull off anything I put on. However, that still didn't shy away from the fact that this may have been the ugliest shade of blue that I've ever worn.

Blue my ass... I grunted.

I couldn't stop fiddling with the tie, wanting to rip it right from around my neck.

Maybe instead of trying to be mister perfect, not that I'm not, I should've just told her to take her color choice and shove it up her va-

"Tyson!" My mom called from downstairs, stopping my train of thought.

Sighing in frustration, I ran my fingers through my hair, taking a real good look at myself one last time before I headed down the stairs.

My mom was hovering around the front door with this anxious look on her face and a camera in her hand.

"Awe, look at you! Looking all spiffy." She grinned, her word choice leaving a smirk on my face. "Come here and come model for me."

Walking across the foyer, I made my way to the thin window next to the front door and looked on. The moment I heard the third camera shutter, I walked over to the table next to the door and leaned up against it, crossing my arms as I stared straight into the camera.

"Smile for me for this last one sweety." She said, slightly adjusting the lens.

"Mom..." I groaned, looking at the time on my digital hand watch. "I'm gonna be late."

"Tyson..." She growled. "Smile. This is your last year of high school. I want to capture this moment."

Sighing, I put on the best smile I could, gaining a genuine smile back from her.

"I can't believe how grown up you are now..." She said, looking down at the image she captured with wells in her eyes.

"Mom, this isn't even prom night yet, and you're already about ready to cry?" I asked, glaring at her in annoyance.

"Leave your mom alone. She's an emotional woman..." My dad's voice came from the home office.


"Listen, I love you and I'm leaving." I said as I kissed her on the forehead.

"Alright, don't stay out too late." She warned, opening the front door for me.

"I'll try not to." I said, making my way across the threshold.

The second she closed the front door, I had already been standing across the driver's side of my car, unlocking it with my key since the remote stopped working about a week ago.

Before I started the car, I sat there staring into the rear view mirror.

...You know, maybe I should just try to have a good time. I mean, I'm going to be there for a couple of hours so I might as well.

Starting the engine of the car, I took a deep breath and cleared my mind.

Here goes nothing.

»About a twenty-five minute drive later«

The one thing that I have to say that I loved about this school, was the fact that they had designated parking near the school, for each captain of each school club or sport team that they had.

So, being the champion that I was, I had my own designated parking spot, making it rather easy for me to find a parking space in the sea of cars that filled the school's parking lot.

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