✖ Chapter 6 ✖

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The one thing that I didn't realize about getting my license was how much my lazy parents would send me out to go get stuff.

There were days where I didn't mind, but on a rainy day like this, there was nothing I wanted to do more than to just stay in bed and admire this gloomy weather from my bedroom window.

Driving down the slippery roads, I turned up the radio, filling my surroundings with the sweet sound of Wait by M83. Besides all the gloom and doom, sitting in the car while listening to music on a rainy day was really one of the finer things in life. It was so relaxing.

Tapping my fingers against the wheel as I mouthed the words to the song, I found myself nearing closer to the local grocery market.

Aldi's bright sign shimmered in my eyes, giving me a slight headache.

In and out. I've got the list so this shouldn't take too long. I thought, slamming the driver's door shut, shortly running towards the building.

I should remember to buy an umbrella while I'm at it....

I could never understand why my parents demanded that I buy the groceries from here. I hated this place, more than I did Walmart.

Thankfully, because of my hatred for this dumpy little store, the grocery run was pretty quick. Within ten minutes, my cart was filled with everything my mom needed to make tonight's tacos for our traditional taco Tuesday nights.

...And the champion woo's the crowd yet again! I playfully thought to myself as I smiled with satisfaction, placing my items down on the assembly belt to be ringed up.

"...I'd smile too if I knew I'd be eating tacos for dinner tonight." I heard a soft spoken familiar voice say.

Quickly looking up, I felt my stomach suddenly drop as I stood face to face with Phillip.

Unable to fathom any words, I simply smiled back at him, expelling a light chuckle.

It wasn't until I really started looking at him that I noticed that he was sporting a black eye.

...Did Brendan get to you? I thought, this unearthly storm brewing inside me. Is that bastard still hurting you?

"...It doesn't hurt as bad as it looks." He reassured me, his eyes still on the items that he was ringing up for me. "So don't frown so hard, your face might get stuck that way."

Sheepishly smiling, I averted my eyes, focusing on the monitor with the prices on it.

That's not the point. Whoever did that to you shouldn't be putting their hands on you in the first place... I thought, clearing my throat in annoyance.

"That'll be thirty dollars and twenty-five cents." He said, forcing my attention back on him.

"Yeesh..." I voiced, popping out the forty my dad gave me earlier.

Chuckling, Phillip took the money from me and handed the receipt and change right back within a matter of seconds, turning off the light to his line and putting up the closed sign soon after.

"Looks like you were my last customer for the day." He smiled, locking up the register. "See you around Tyson..."

Simply smiling back at him, I watched as he disappeared into a room that had the sign 'authorized personnel only' posted up on the door.

How can you be so....? I trailed off in thought, opening my umbrella the second I made it outside.

There were no words to describe how he was making me feel at that point. There was just something about him, something that I couldn't really pin point.

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