✖ Chapter 4 ✖

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People stared at me all the time. The reason behind their stares could have meant anything from wanting to see what it felt like to be me, or wanting to see what it felt like to smash my smug face in. Their stares usually never bothered me, but today was different. Everyone I passed that gazed at me seemed to have this puzzled expression on their face. It was strange.

It took me in for such a loop that I walked myself to the restroom to check to see if there was anything on my face, or if I was wearing something inside out.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn't pick anything out off the ordinary.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to clear my mind as I left the bathroom.

Walking up to my locker, I also couldn't help but notice that all of my friends were waiting for me instead of the small handful that usually bothered to wait for me in the morning.

....What the heck's going on? I thought, glaring at them from a distance.

Monica waved for me to hurry up as she nibbled on the nails on her left hand like she always did when she got nervous.

"What the heck happened man?" Tristan asked.

Tristan wasn't the type to worry about much. The fact that he had that fearsome look on his face didn't make me feel too comfortable.

"Yeah. What he said." Lily chimed in, her arms crossed as she lowered her brow.

"....What did you guys hear?" I asked, trying to figure out whether they were freaking out about what I said to Lucy, or what happened in the locker room.

They all parted like the red sea, showing me the damage that had been done to my locker.

It was severely smashed in, like someone had rammed a thick steel beam they used in the construction of making buildings right into it.

The bold black spray painted letters that was plastered across it read:

Snitches get stitches.

I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Not only was the bastard who did this was a punk for not being able to handle their business with me like a damn man, but they had the nerve to soil my reputation in front of everyone.

This was not going to happen. I damn well knew who did this, and I wasn't going to let them drag me down with them because they decided to ruin their own lives.

The one time I actually decided to help someone, this is what happens?

"Where's Brendan?" I muttered, staring Reed dead in the face.

"...Dude, the weird thing is, people are just finding out that he got suspended today. He's not allowed to come back for two weeks." Reed said, scratching his head as if everything that was going on today was too much to handle. "And guess what? Your locker isn't the only one that got smashed in. That kid that Brendan almost punched got his locker smashed too."

"...You mean Phillip?" I asked, narrowing my eyes as I took a step back.

"Yeah, expect his locker says, 'I hope it still hurts', or something like that..." Reed looked at me, looking utterly disturb.

"...You have to tell us what happened man." Tristan sighed. "There's word going around that you carried a body out into the parking lot Saturday night."

"...Wait what?" Lily gasped in shock. "What the hell are you talking about Tris?"

"Ask him!" Tristan raised his voice as he pointed at me.

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