✖ Chapter 18 X

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WARNING: Hardcore Boy x Boy activities ahead....and some pretty crude language. 

By this time everyone was in bed. I was standing under the lukewarm droplets of water that streamed down from the shower head, trying to de-stress as I myself got ready for bed.

Today was pretty emotionally heavy. From getting my ass beat, to getting accepted by my family, I was completely mentally shoot and didn't want to have to think about anything else.

As far as I could see, all I wanted to do was sleep.

Turning off the shower head, and carefully stepping out of the shower, I grabbed my towel from the rack and made my way to the bathroom mirror.

Damn... I thought, looking at the black and blue patch that sat around my eye. At least it doesn't feel as bad as it looks anymore. Whatever dad had in store for that little jackass better had made up for all of this crap...

Flipping the light switch off, I left the warm dark bathroom for the cold dark hall, the light from my room guiding me.

Closing the door behind me, I was a little surprised to see what was waiting for me the second I turned around.

Phillip hadn't gone to bed yet. Instead, he was tucked under a blanket, reading a book in his hand, smiling at me as he patted the empty space next to him.

Ever since he's been here, he and I have never slept in the same bed. I always just slept on the floor.

The fact that he wanted me to tonight might one of two things: either he felt more comfortable being with me, or he felt bad about everything that happened today and wanted to make up for it somehow.

Winking at him, I walked over to my dresser and rummaged through my underwear drawer, trying to find something to get me out of this towel.

Before I could even manage to find anything, a set of hands wrapped themselves around my damp waist, giving me chills.

His sudden soft kisses on my back made my eyes bulge out of my head.


Turning myself around in his hold to face him, I couldn't help but melt under that coy expression on his face.

Smirking as I caressed his cheek, I planted a kiss on his lips, this being the second time I've kissed him since the last.

As I held him in my arms, I held him close, gently kissing his neck, drowning in that sweet smell of vanilla body mist that he seemed to like to wear a lot.

"Tyson..." He whispered out, shaking in my hold.

"Am I moving too fast?" I asked, bringing my gaze up back to his.

The look on his face made my heart skip a beat.

"No..." He softly moaned, a twinkle in the sea of blue that were his eyes. "If we're gonna...you know...just be gentle...okay?"

.....Did he just give me permission to....? I thought, slightly dumbfounded. No. He's asking for it...

Undoing the towel around my waist, I watched as he blushed, biting his bottom lip.

So cute...

The second he was lying under me on my bed, I found myself gazing at him, admiring his porcelain skin as I helped him remove his shirt. He kept looking everywhere else but my face. The way he shied away from me like that only made me want to tease him more. Running my fingers down his bare chest, I watched as he bit his lip harder the moment my fingers made it just above the elastic band from his cookie monster pajama bottoms. Inching his pajama bottoms off of him, I was surprised to see that he was going commando.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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