✖ Chapter 12 ✖

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It's been about two weeks since he was admitted to the hospital. It's been about a week and a half since he and I have been spending some quality time together. Being the awesome and ever loving person that she was, my mom made today the day that Phillip would be coming over to stay at my place for the time being.

Already having warned me about staying away from Phillip, my dad was extremely pissed off when he found out, but he soon got over it once he figured that there really wasn't much he could do about it. Plus, my mom could be very persuasive when she wanted to be.

Day after day they've tried to call his mom, but the call would always end up going to voice mail.

He'd always put on this smile on his face when they told him that they couldn't reach her, but I could tell that he was really hurting inside.

Even now as we were unpacking his stuff from the car, he seemed really void, like he was tired physical, and he was tired of being hurt emotionally.

Seeing him like that made my heart feel heavy.

There was nothing I'd like to do more than to just wrap my arms around him, and tell him that everything was going to be okay, but I hadn't come out to my family yet, and some part of me started to believe that the longer I waited, the harder it was going to be down the line.

Taking the last piece of luggage that he had in my trunk, I followed him up to my room, and placed it down next to the bed.

Worn out, due to the fact that he was still a bit weak, he lied himself on the floor and watched as the ceiling fan twirled over head.

"...How you holdin' up?" I asked, lying down next to him.

Sighing, he turned his attention towards me and smiled, running his fingers through his hair.

"As best as I can I guess..." He replied. "Now that I'm here...with you...I think I'll be okay."

I really wanted to return that kiss on the cheek that he gave me back at the hospital, but I was too afraid. My bedroom door was wide open, and if any of them happened to pass by and see me, my life would be over.

So, instead of doing what I actually wanted to do, I simply playfully nudged him with my shoulder as I returned his smile.

Since that kiss on the cheek, we haven't done anything besides hug. I honestly didn't mind, but unlike what Tristan said, when Lucy and I got together, all we did the first week was make out. After about a month, it was all home runs from there...if you get what I mean.

As I lied there next to him, I scooted close enough that our shoulders now touched.

"You know..." I began. "You're really something special..."

"What makes you say that?" He replied, sounding a bit amused.

Smirking, I decided to kept what I was going to say to myself.

"...Oh come on." He pouted. "Don't do that..."

"It's nothing." I laughed.

Playing punching me on the shoulder as he sat up, he narrowed his eyes at me, this smug crossing paths with his face.

"...What?" I continued to smirk, interested to see where this was going.

"It's nothing." He mocked me, standing up on his feet.

On his way out of my room, I caught his leg with mine, making him staggering forward.

"Tyson..." He scolded, making me chuckle. "Bad boy..."

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