✖ Chapter 13 ✖

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Those little notes of his were beginning to become a habit.When I woke up this morning, instead of finding him, once again, I found a note sitting on the top of my dresser that read:

Hey Ty, took the bus this morning. So don't freak out, I didn't run away. I just don't want to depend on you guys for everything. Like they say, nothing lasts forever so... Hope you can understand.


It bothered me that he still felt like a burden. I wanted him to depend on me for things. I wanted him to feel like I'd be there for him no matter what.

That note of his obviously let me know that he didn't feel comfortable with all of that yet.

Besides, my track record for being a jerk was pretty high. If I didn't want him bothering me, I probably wouldn't have even gotten involved, just like I didn't the first time I saw Brendan harassing him after the hockey game.

I guess he just needed time. It wasn't that long ago since we met after all.

I was just hoping that his little decision to leave without me this morning didn't leave him in trouble.

Weird things are still happening here... I thought, pulling up into my designated parking in front of the school, only to find the words:

Snitches get stitches.

The words were plastered on the pavement in white on my parking space.

...You know, it'd be great if you could just fuck off. I fumed, accelerating into my parking spot. Bitches get stitches too.

Slamming my car door shut, I stormed off into the crowd that was scattered in groups across the parking lot.

I need to find a way to end all of this crap real soon.

"Yo Tyson!" I heard Reed's annoying voice belch from behind me.

Not now...

"Wait up!" He pestered, unfortunately catching up to me. "After you had that choking fit in the cafeteria, you kinda just disappeared and never told us about what happened."

Ignoring him, I kept walking with my hands in my pockets and my brow low, crossing the threshold of the school's front doors.

"Listen, Brendan is back. He's not suspended anymore." He said, his words leaving behind this lingering echo that shattered the world around me.

...No. I don't think I heard that right.

"...What did you just say?" I asked, slowly craning my head in his direction.

Reed looked at me wide eyed, as if the person who was standing in front of him wasn't me anymore, but someone else.

"...Brendan is back." He finally answered.

Forcing down a hard gulp, I speed walked down the hall, almost running, trying to find Phillip.

"Tyson, where are you going?" Reed yelled after me.

None of your damn business! The time you just made me waste instead of getting straight to the damn point could cost me...I panicked, looking high and low.

The second I turned around the corner, my heart dropped when I saw him pinned up against his locker by Brendan.

Then suddenly, this rage zapped up from the very tip of my toes to the last square inch of my scalp.

...There you are.

My body was on fire. I was a man on fire.

"...What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I shouted with a decrepit smile on my face, making the crowd that circled around Phillip and Brendan part like the red sea.

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