✖ Chapter 17 ✖

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Dim. The dim fluorescent lights of the field house's locker room poured into my eyes. Slowly put surely, the dark blue color of the lockers, and the white tiles underneath me were beginning to become vivid; clear.

Pain. My jaw ached, my teeth feeling like they were about to cave in. My left eye was radiating this intense pain, and it was then that I noticed that I could barely open it.

Pushing myself up off of the ground, I sat there for a moment, giving myself some time to recuperate a little before I decided to stand up.

This sudden urge of wanting to cry crept up on me, forcing me to push it back down from wherever the heck it came from.

...All because he's gay. All because I like him, and I guess that makes me gay too...

Looking down at my arm, I found the word 'fag' carved into my skin, making me want to puke.

...My life is over. I thought, my mind trailing off into the endless possibilities of what my parents were going to say when I got home and they saw me like this. It's over. Everything is over. All because I ended up liking someone who just so happened to be a guy...

After giving myself a couple of more minutes, I finally stood myself up, getting a bit dizzy at how quickly I moved.

Once the world decided to stop spinning, I grabbed my gym bag from my locker, and walked myself out of the locker room, leaving without giving the place a second glance.

It was extremely chilly out, and the sun had well gone down the horizon. Darkness was creeping over, making way for the moon, giving me an idea of just how long I had been passed out in there.

Shit. My parents are going to kill me.... I thought. No scratch that. Even worse, they'll let me live...

Dragging my feet across the parking lot, I suddenly got nauseated at the sight of my car. The windows were completely smashed in, and the body was keyed to hell.

"Cocksucker..." I said aloud, reading the neon pink spray painted letters on the drivers side of my car. "Great. Just great..."

Forcing my feet up off of the ground to get to the mess that was now my transportation, I almost ripped the driver's side door off it's hinges, being utterly and completely pissed.

The glass shards pilled like a fresh batch of diamonds in my seat.

This is fucking ridiculous... I thought, removing my hockey jersey and using it to wipe all of the shards out.

For good measure, I folded my jersey and placed it on my seat before I sat down, making sure that at least my ass cheeks wouldn't get shards in them.

"What the hell am I going to do now?" I fumed, slamming the car door shut once I was in, jamming my keys into the ignition. "What can I do...?"

Starting the car as I thought about my options, I backed out of the parking space and took my broken car and I home. For now, all I could really do at this point, as much as I didn't want to, was go home and await the hell that was going to rain down on me. I had no choice.

The drive seemed long and silent. It was so silent in fact that it felt suffocating. I kept replaying what happened in my head, wishing I had fought back; tried harder.

...He's dangerous. I thought, the image of the sock full of coins making it's way front and center of my mind. He could have killed me tonight...

Simply, the mire thought of that made me ache.

...Is all of this really worth it? Falling in love with someone that could cost me everything?

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