✖ Chapter 9 ✖

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I couldn't stop thinking about how my old man reacted this morning, so much to the point that I hadn't noticed how loud the hallways were this morning when I was walking down to my locker. It wasn't until I saw Tristan standing at my locker that I wasn't so stuck in my thoughts to hear the sea of noise.

As he watched me walk towards him, he rolled his eyes and shook his head in disappointment. His expression made me tilt my head to the side, and narrow my eyes in confusion.

...What? What did I do?

Sighing the second I stood in front of him, Tristan grabbed me by the arm and dragged me down the hall.

When he pushed the cafeteria doors open and pushed me in, the level of shock that hit me at that moment was so great that I forgot to breathe.

"..W-Who did this?" I whispered through a staggered breath.

"...Who do you think man?" Tristan asked, as he stood next to me and watched as the crowd of people in the cafeteria laughed, gossiped, and pointed at the giant blow up of Phillip tied up like a pig in the locker room that night.

Apart from that one, there were smaller versions everywhere, scattered everywhere.

At the base of the giant photo, I could see a semi circle being formed as the crowd's noise level began to die down.

"Tyson wait..." Tristan called after me, as I pushed my way through the crowd to see what was going on up there.

The second I did make it up there, my heart dropped in the pit of my stomach.

There Phillip stood, holding a photo in his hands while his tears soaked the sheet of paper.

I couldn't explain why but, my eyes started welling up.

Lifting his gaze up to the crowd, he tired so hard...so hard to smile under that tear drenched face that it pained me to just see him try.

Unable to do it, he cried some more as he caught my eyes, but then suddenly those tears stopped coming as this stone expression grabbed hold of his face.

No... I feared, taking a few steps towards him.

"D-don't." He warned. "Just...don't...."

Taking a deep breath as he looked up to the ceiling, Phillip began to push through the crowd on his right, walking towards the outside exit of the cafeteria.

Afraid of what he might do, I shortly began to follow behind him.

"Tyson!" A familiar dainty little voice called after me, grabbing hold of my wrist.

Slowly turning my head to look at her, Lucy gasped as she grew wide eyed.

"T-Tyson, what's wrong? Why do you look so angry?" She asked, her eyes rapidly darting back and forth as she looked at me.

Ignoring her, I yanked my wrist out of her grip and continued to follow Phillip.

"...You know what?" She fumed. "Its over Tyson! I'm tired of having to chase after you!"

The entire crowd gasped around her, sending my blood boiling.

"...It was over the moment you stood me up at homecoming!" I barked back. "So fuck you..."

Curses of surprise where flung around here and there through the crowd, as if this was the most exciting day of their pathetic little lives.

Lucy began to cry, but the person that I was worried about right now wasn't her; it was him.

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