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It's been 25 minutes since I've last seen Catherine. I'm scared, and lonely. Whispers fill my mind. I look over to my right and see Jack standing there. He's holding his arms out and starting to tear up. I run up to him, but when I try to hug him, he disappears. Ugh. That's my imagination. I walked back to where I was sitting in a very slow motion. A shadow appears next to me.

Catherine: "I'm back, girly." She whispers.

Me: "Hi."

Catherine: "Hi. Did you miss me?"

Me: "Haha, yes."

Catherine: "Cool. So anything happen while I was gone?"

Me: "I saw my best friend.." I pause. "My boyfriend, actually. He was standing right there. His arms were held out and so I ran to him. Once I got there, he disappeared."

Catherine: "Aaron." She mutters very softly under her breath.

Me: "What?"

Catherine: "Aaron likes to play games like that. It's a way he gets into your soul."

Me: "What do you mean?"

Catherine: "Did you hug him?"

Me: "Yes.. But I didn't feel him."

Catherine: "Then he got into your body. He's going to take over. Your not in a safe place at the moment."

Me: "Are ghosts really that dangerous?"

Catherine: "A lot of them are. It depends what their background was. Just stay strong while you can."

Me: "Thanks, I'll try."

Heavy footsteps are pounding on the wooden floor. I feel someone, but I can't see them anywhere. I'm trying to look everywhere I can but I just can't seem to find what I'm looking for. This is different. Why me out of millions of people? Oh.. Right. I did this to myself. Just like I intended to.

I hear a voice that's kind of similar. It sounds like mine and Jack's mixed together. Speaking of Jack, I wonder what he's thinking.

A man with overalls appears. He's holding a butcher axe, and a butcher knife. He's running towards me. I see his angry face. I turn around and Catherine is gone. I turn back and Aaron is inches away from my face. When he's about to stab me, he disappears. I'm crying now.

Catherine: "He's dangerous, isn't he? You got lucky there."

Me: "How's that lucky?"

Catherine: "Turn around."

There's a big, brown, wooden door. It wasn't there before.

Me: "Is that the portal?"

Catherine: "Yes, this is real life after all. It's only open for a minute, so you might want to hurry."

Me: "Okay. Thanks for helping me through this by the way."

Catherine: "Anytime."

I run towards the door. I open it and walk through it. It's basically a regular door. Once I get to the other side, everything is normal. Nobody is in the haunted house. Everything is getting torn down. The lights are off. Nobody is in here. I try to find my way. That way.

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