Chapter 1

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It's over...she's gone.

Kousei had tears running down his cheeks as he looked up to the light and sucked in a shaky inhale before standing up and facing the audience to bow, hiding his tear-stained face, then quickly but subtly walked away, his heart dropping every time he thinks about the girl who gave him life for the first time in a long time.

But now she's gone. So his life immediately turned upside down all over again. And she left him... Just like his mother.

As Kousei disappeared backstage he felt his heart break once more before he broke down and fell onto his bottom against a wall, his knees curled up to his chest and his face hidden between them, his quiet yet loud sobs sounding throughout the corridor.

I never even gave her a proper goodbye, I never gave Kaori a proper goodbye... I...I never...I never had the guts to tell her that-


Kousei sniffed and tried to control his breathing before peeking an eye out and catching Tsubaki and Watari's running forms.

"Watari...? Tsu...baki?" Kousei sniffled and lifted his head up, trying to pretend he wasn't crying even though it was impossible with his fogged up glasses and red nose and eyes.

"Kousei!" Watari yelled once more when he was a foot away from Kousei, practically yelling to his now-sensitive ears.

"Ow...Watari... Why're you yelling?" Kousei's voice was tight and he swallowed the huge lump in his throat before taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes, trying to get rid of the tears.

"It''s Kaori..." Watari wasn't as enthusiastic as Kousei thought he would be but there was a hint of happiness in his eyes.

"What?" Kousei straightened his back and after he finished cleaning his glasses he put them on, blinking at his two friends.

"She's...well, she did it." Tsubaki put on a smile.

"Eh?" Kousei kept looking back and forth between his friends, not getting it.

There's no way...she was just...

Watari held out his phone and showed Kousei the email he got from the hospital. "She's okay! She made it through the surgery, Kousei!"

Kousei couldn't speak correctly, his mind was in a fuzz. She's...alive? She's not gone? Kousei read the email, which said 'The surgery was a success. Feel free to come to check up on Miyazono when you have the time to do so.'

"I..." Kousei didn't have the exact words for what he has to say, so he instead shot up from the floor and ran past Tsubaki and Watari, rushing out the room to appear in the lobby of Towa Hall, making a beeline to the hospital.

"Wow..." muttered Watari, resting his hands on his hips and smirking. "He really has the hots for her."

Tsubaki stared at the doors Kousei just went through and sighed, mumbling, "Yeah..."

"Should we go too? I mean, she is our friend after all." Watari smiled and grabbed her elbow, rushing off to where Kousei was headed without letting Tsubaki give an answer.


Kousei burst through the hospital doors and stumbled in, out of breath from the amount of running.

Oh my God...that was the fastest I've ever ran since I first found out Kaori was in here. Kousei looked around in his blue suit and spotted the main desk, so he calmed himself and walked over to it, his legs throbbing from the sprinting.

"I..." Kousei stopped his word to take a breath and placed both his hands on the desk, catching his breath. "S-sorry..."

The person at the desk nodded and said, "No, it's okay. Just tell me what you need."

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