Chapter 14

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"Kaori, I asked you if you were okay, and you said yes... You're clearly not okay!"

Kaori groaned and refused to look at Kousei who was currently already yelling at her after waking up just a few minutes ago. "I'm fine! I told you! It was just the heat!"

"It wasn't the heat Kaori!" He flung his arm in the air. "It's not even hot!"

Kaori moved away from Kousei on the bench and held her head. "Then I don't know! I thought I was fine..."

Kousei's voice grew firm. "But you weren't fine." His voice slowly got louder with each word. "And I asked you many times, but you were being careless enough to faint in the middle of the sidewalk!"

"I didn't choose to faint!" She stood up from the bench and her voice wavered a little as her mouth opened to speak. "I just wanted to have fun today..."

Kousei let out a frustrated sound and gripped his head. He still wasn't okay with Kaori, so words flew out of his mouth without any thought. "Your sickness is the only thing that's in the way of our relationship..."

Kaori's ears perked at what he said and a little bit of tears were starting to build up in her eyes. She felt like someone had just stabbed her in the heart for a second. She spoke in a broken, but loud, voice. "Well, I'm sorry for being who I am and not the perfect, healthy girlfriend you want!"

Kousei widened his eyes and he swung his head to look at Kaori but she ran away, long gone. He wanted to go run after her, so he pushed himself off the bench, but he didn't know where she'd go; she could go anywhere.

"Dammit!" Kousei fell back on the bench and held his head in his hands, letting out a loud exasperated breath. I messed up, I messed up, I messed up, I messed up! He took out his phone and quickly dialed Kaori's number, listening to the voicemail that soon came up.

He almost threw his phone to the ground when there was no answer and fell against the bench, not really understanding why he got really mad in the first place. Usually when they fought as friends it never was as bad as this. Was it because they were a couple now or what? Kousei isn't sure anymore.

I shouldn't have said that to her, if I'd have known that she still wasn't completely healed then maybe I made it worse by making her mad and upset. I'm...such a such bad boyfriend...

Kousei's eyes were blurred up in tears, and he thought silently to himself about how much Kaori cared for him and went through literally everything just to be with him... She was life-changing...she was the light of his life. Literally. Yet here he is...ruining everything with his own mouth. The mouth that's supposed to tell Kaori sweet things and give her little kisses to show how much he really cared and loved her, the mouth that's supposed to smile and laugh along with the girl he loves...the mouth that's supposed to make her happy and say "I love you" to Kaori.


Kaori ran off to another side of the park, then she sparked her attention to the kids, whom she played with to get her mind off of Kousei. Coincidentally, they're the kids she was playing with on the melodica the day she actually met Kousei.

That time...when she played with them...who did she play for again? She shrugged, brushing off her question, and ran towards the kids she's long wanted to meet again. As her memory rejoiced, she remembered how she held the melodica and played it. She did push herself too far indeed, but her fingers jumping from key to key and emitting colorful sounds with the children who extent her happiness was worth it.

She wishes to meet all the children she's met and huddle them all together, either feeling like a big sister or a mother. Either way, all of them made her happy. None other than her violin as well made her feel at ease.

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