Chapter 6

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Hey guys sorry for the long time taken for this chapter to be uploaded :P I decided to write the story together with thelightatnight (a guy from So...enjoy!

"Yatta!" Kaori screamed in joy and threw her free hands into the air as she walked out of the hospital door, with her other hands circling around the arms of a certain young piano prodigy.

As the sunbeams hit the couple, Kousei let a tiny smile slip onto his face as he watched Kaori blabber about stuff she is going to do and at the same time silently enjoyed the contact with his frien-...girlfriend's hand wrapping around his. Looking at his girlfriend literally bursting with excitement beside him, his face grew hotter. The fact that Kaori is now his girlfriend hit him as if it was the first time. Subconsciously, Kousei gently tightened his grip around Kaori's hand, which did not go unnoticed by the violinist.

Kaori stopped her talking and in turn squeezed Kousei's hand, turning and looked at him with a gentle smile gracing her angelic features. Kousei's face turned even brighter and he broke eye contact by looking away, but all the while not loosening his grip on his lover's hand.

Kaori's smile turned impish as she decided to take the chance to tease Kousei more. Hey, it's not like just because they confessed to each other and are in a formal relationship doesn't mean she's not allowed to tease him right? Smiling, Kaori leaned toward Kousei and whispered in his ear, "Hey, wasn't it you that set the rule about us not being able to show any affection in public?"

Kousei quickly turned red, even though he just calmed down, and released her hand and started stuttering, "Well- but-but you asked about that so... A-and I love you, and I...I...uh..."

As Kousei's stuttering mess has slowly faded away, Kaori's smile developed into a full-blown giggling fit as she felt her body temperature rise despite it being winter.

Spring is just around the corner, just around the two of them. She was sure of it.

"I'm just messing with you Kousei! Don't get so worked up about it!" Kaori's giggles subsided and she pat his hand that she held before resting her elbow on his shoulder and leaned on him.

"Besides," she continued, "I actually agreed and it was your idea so...yeah."

Kousei sighed and started to walk forward, making Kaori tumble forward a bit but she was luckily able to gain her balance and stare angrily at the walking Kousei.

"Hey! I just got out of the hospital are you trying to kill me?!"

Kousei sighed again and turned around to give her a gentle smile. "No because you can't die from a fall! Well...unless you're really weak so then you'll just be injured with a scratch or two."

Kaori glared at him before huffing and stomping away past him to the park's general direction. But Kousei was confused but he quickly forgot about it and quickly caught up with Kaori.

"Wait, where are we going?"

"The park silly!" Kaori smiled as she looked ahead and stopped before turning around to Kousei. "But first, I'd like to go visit my parents. Haven't seen them since yesterday."

"Yesterday? Do they, like, come right after I leave?"

Kaori nodded with a grin before shrugging up to Kousei with a glint in her eyes. "Of course! They can't possibly see me with a guy my own age and stumble upon a forbidden scene."

Kousei turned red before he took a step back and looked down, hearing Kaori add, "Especially my dad, you'd be murdered before you even get to glance at him!"

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