Chapter 18

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“It’s your fault we’re having to rush anyway.” Kaori crossed her arms and grunted in mock anger, her head help up high as she turned away from Kousei as she was seated on his porch outside his home. Said Kousei scoffed and nodded in slight annoyance. “Sure, as if the reason we’re playing late and at a dead-line is because I forgot about the competition.” He sighed and grabbed Kaori by her shoulder, gently twisting her around so that he was able to see her pout and slightly furrowed brow. “Let’s not forget,” he added, “we both were the ones who had forgotten. Not till Tsubaki and Watari were asking about it earlier.” Kousei smiled and gently gave her head a pat, smiling with a chuckle. “Be glad we at least got through half the piece.”

“With a bit of hard work, may I add.” Kaori still had her arms crossed but she let a hint of a smirk overcome her features.

Kousei grimaced but he didn’t let his smile die. “Ah...hehe.” His smile died, but he looked to the ground and sucked in air through his teeth as he rubbed the back of his neck. “A lot of hard work… I mean…” his voice dropped down to a mumble, “at least it wasn’t as bad as the first time we practiced.”

“What was that?” Kaori asked, arms now loose and resting on her lap.

“U-uh, nothing!” Kousei laughed cheekily and looked up to the sky, seeing the sun drop down under the buildings upfront. “Seems as if the day is coming to an end.”

Kaori looked at him for a moment more before looking ahead just as he was, sighing in content. “Yup...and it’s really pretty, as well.”

Kousei had a hint of a smile, but he did take in the beauty of the sky, not enough though, for he had noticed Kaori whipping out her phone and taking a photo of the sky. Not long after though, Kousei regrets his decision of staring because Kaori glanced his way and smirked before swiftly turning to him and snapping a photo of his captivated face.

The male blinked before stuttering once his mind started working it's gears. “W-wait, did you just take a picture of me?!”

Kaori giggled mischievously and grinned. “Yep.”

“But why?!” Kousei tried to grab her phone but she merely laughed and stuffed in away in her pocket. “ know what they say, ‘take a picture, it'll last longer’.” Kaori grinned and placed a kiss on his cheek.

He grumpily pouted and leaned his chin on his hand, his elbow resting on his knee. Despite these actions, there was a tint of red on his cheeks. “I guess.”

Kaori smiled, admiring the look on her partner’s face before intertwining their hands and standing up. “I guess I should start heading home now. Would you mind walking with me?”

Kousei sighed and stood up, holding her hand tight as he started to smile at her. “I'd love to escort you home.”


“Soon we'll be gone, huh?”

Kousei nodded grimly, a sigh escaping his lips as he and Kaori swing their clasped hands between them as they walk toward her home. “Yes. We'll be together...but we'll be gone from our homeland and our friends and family. Hiroko is coming with us to help us navigate around the U.S. and chaperone us, but….y’know?”

Kaori nodded and looked around as she spoke. “That you are right...but...may I ask a question?”

“Well, of course you can.”

Kaori nodded and pursed her lips before asking, “Is Koharu coming with us?”

Kousei stared at her for a little, bits of laughter coming out of him shortly after. “Why? Did you really grow that attached to her?”

Kaori put herself at a defense. “Hey, she's really cute and I get along with her just fine!”

Kousei laughed more and brought her hand up to his lips, giving the back of it a kiss as an apology. “Alright alright, yes she's coming. It's kind of a no-brainer as to why you get along with her as well.”

The blonde tilted her head to the side as they turned a corner on the sidewalk. “What do you mean?”

“Well, you have a very childish personality despite your age, at times.” Kousei started laughing again as Kaori hit him.

“Meanie!” Kaori ‘hmph’ed and pouted, crossing her arms as she walked farther from Kousei.

Kousei started to feel bad, but he didn't let his guard down as he jogged up to her and engulfed her in his arms, resting his check on her head. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” Kousei placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled to look at her pouty face. “Forgive me? Please?”

Kaori stared at his face for a while, wanting to deny, but she couldn't help it and hugged him tightly. “Yes, I forgive you, Mr. Grizzly Bear.”

Kousei smiled slightly at hearing the nickname he loves dearly coming from the one he loves most and hugged her tightly once more. “I'm glad. Now,” he pulled away and gave her an eye-smile, grabbing her hand and started walking again to head over to her house/bakery, “let's start once again getting you to your humble abode.”


“Thanks for walking me home, Kousei.”

Said teen nodded and grinned. “Not a problem.” Kousei took a look through the large window of the bakery and saw a few people inside, no less than five since closing should be close. He adjusted his glasses and shuffled on his two feet. “ I'll see you tomorrow?”

Kaori nodded with a smile on her face and moved toward him and placed her lips over his. Kousei didn't mind it, but he glanced inside the bakery and saw Kaori's parents looking at them before he kissed her back. He pulled back a little, his hands still placed on her waist. “Your parents are right there, Kaori,” he whispered.

“And? They kiss in front of me at times, no difference.” Kaori grinned innocently, but Kousei was getting fearful when he saw the look on her dad's face.

Kousei laughed meekly and enveloped her in his arms, placing a kiss on her forehead. “I'll see you tomorrow, your dad looks like he wants to kill me.”

Kaori frowned and peeked to look in the bakery, indeed seeing her dad glare at Kousei. “Daaadddd! Ugh.” Kaori groaned and looked up at Kousei. “Really, don't worry. He does like you, he certainly does, but he's just really protective. Still. I'll talk to him when I go in, alright?”

Kousei nodded and looked over at Kaori’s parents again, seeing her mom tending customers and her father at the cashier, trying to make it seem like he isn't looking, but he failed a tad bit. “Okay,” he breathed out as he turned to look back at the girl he loves. “Alright then. Now, I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Kaori.” He gave her a quick peck on the lips and waved goodbye to the obvious-looking dad before he rushed away in nervousness that Yoshiyuki would come out in the open out of nowhere and lecture the two teens.
Hello hello, sorry that this was short and late, my first year of high school makes me a tad bit more busy than I thought, even more I'm at a performing arts school so I do a lot more than just the regular so it's taking off my time to write at times.

I hope you guys enjoyed this, whoever made it to here. This just a little fluff between the wo protagonists, I hope that's okay for now. I apologize if there were any mistakes.

Till next time :)

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