Chapter 3

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Kousei was pretty scared to go visit Kaori. What if she found out he took the letter and read it without permission? That would be a risky thing to confess, especially to a girl who just came out of surgery...but, Kousei still decided to go visit her.

He wanted to go alone but he didn't want to seem desperate or selfish so he decided to bring Tsubaki and Watari, but this time they actually did have to go to a meeting for their sport.

It was was the weekend and he didn't have any competition to go to, so that means Kousei would have more time to spend with the person he loves.

He's still shocked at the three words that clenched his heart once he read them, he wasn't able to properly sleep with them running through his head. So, he's deciding that once he talks to her and gets her words out, he's gonna tell her about the letter.


"Kousei! Good morning!" greeted Kaori, waving her hand with a bright grin.

"Good morning." Kousei gave her a half-grin and half-smile. He slid the door closed behind him and fidgeted with the letter that was in his hoodie's pocket; he tried to be subtle but she noticed anyways.

"What're you doing there?" Kaori nodded toward his pocket.

Kousei immediately stiffened and blubbered out some excuses but they weren't working on Kaori.

"Kousei..." she warned.

"I-i-it's...something." Kousei bit his tongue and stepped forward, quickly taking out the letter and holding it behind his back. "I meant to tell you about it later but then you caught me a second after I came" The pianist cautiously held the letter out in front of him, the writing and words hitting Kaori's face with realization.

"I...might've...accidentally took this while you were practicing to walk..." Kousei noticed how Kaori didn't seem mad...but...surprised and a little...scared.

"H-have you read it yet?" she quietly asked, looking back up to him, her eyes showing a glint he's never seen in her before.



"What?" Kousei rose an eyebrow and brought the letter closer to him, not letting Kaori see it even though she's the one who made it.

"You're lying. The way you answered sounded like a question... Can I have it back?" Kaori held her hand out and expected Kousei to just give up and give it back to her but what he did next surprised her even more.

"I love you too."

Kaori slowly dropped her hand, her mouth opening and closing. "What?"

"The letter... I love you too." Kousei grinned at her with his eyes shining brightly.

"'re responding?" Kaori was a little surprised; she didn't even mean to give it to him anymore since there was no need but he still read it, even if she was still here.

"Yes. And I wanted to respond to your confession with: I love you too, Kaori."

Kaori couldn't believe her ears. She didn't even mean to give that letter to him since she's all good and alive but...she didn't really expect him to read it and love her back. Especially since she's been so harsh to him, in her opinion. Besides, it's been a day since she was all better and there's already a confession?

" you don't," Kaori refused, even though she felt like she should've been saying the oppisite.

"I do Kaori, why deny it?" Kousei asked, raising an eyebrow.

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