Chapter 7

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{2 days later}

It has been two days since that incident under the cherry blossom tree where the couple we all know and love created a memory that will forever be etched into their hearts. In the two days after it however, nothing of that magnitude has happened as they just enjoyed each other's company, showing nothing more than casual friendliness in the open, and will only steal a peck on the cheek when they thought no one was looking.

Tuesday came by, and since Kousei and Kaori's break is over considering: 1) Kaori is out of the hospital and 2) Kousei doesn't have any competition or recital coming up, they're back to school. But the good thing was that they didn't have to care about any exams considering they're both going to go to that one high school with a musical course that Kousei had been eyeing since the choosing of schools and since Kaori had missed loads of school and (like she says) didn't pay attention in class—she didn't think she needed to since she thought she was going to die—she's going to go too.

As the couple daydreamed through all the lessons, the long awaited lunch time finally came. They quickly rushed up to the rooftop, aiming to get a bit of time with just each other before other students, namely Tsubaki and Watari, join them on the roof.

Today, they both have bentos Kaori's parents had made for the two—Kousei sometimes buys his own since nobody at his home could do it for him since Hiroko is always asleep when he wakes up for school.

"Hello!" Kaori grinned from ear to ear as she skidded over to her boyfriend in happiness, bentos bundled in her arms. Kousei gestured her to the spot beside him, in which Kaori happily takes.

"Hey, Kaori." Kousei smiled at the girl who plopped down beside him and leaned against the wall to make herself more comfortable.

"Here you go." Kaori slid the bento she brought for Kousei over to him and smiled at him as if to say "you're welcome" when he thanked her before proceeding to open the box, but before he actually opened the lid however, he gave Kaori a teasing look and said, "Is there actual food in here or is it all sweets?"

Kaori pouted and opened her bento to show him what she has, and it was indeed as she said, the content of her bento consists of a piece of fish neatly cut into slices, an omelette and some rice.

"Hey, since I am not going to die I have to be aware of my figure now," Kaori sullened a bit more and mumbled under her breath, "as much as I hate it though."

Kousei laughed under his breath and finally opened his lunch, seeing the same things Kaori has. "Hmm, you're right, you're right," Kousei teased once again.

"Itadakimasu (let's eat/thank's for the meal)." Picking up the chopsticks, Kousei and Kaori both dug in, Kaori a bit more violently.

"Mou ot wot rife on wour wifs!" Kaori blurted out as she pointed to Kousei's mouth.

"What? Finish your food before speaking, I can't hear a single thing you are saying," Kousei chuckled as he tried to interpret what Kaori was trying to say

Kaori rolled her eyes and and held her finger up to tell Kousei to hold on until she swallowed her food and repeated what she had previously said.

"You-you have rice on your lips. Here-" Kaori leaned forward and squinted her eyes as she plucked the grain of rice from Kousei's lips and flicked it away. "There you go," Kaori grinned. It was only then she noticed the close proximity between them and how Kousei got himself closer.

"Well, It's nothing, I" Kaori never got to finish the sentence she unknowingly spluttered as Kousei leaned forward and captured her lips with his own.

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