Chapter 4

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Kousei stirred.


Kousei didn't move.

"Oh my- Kousei!"

Kousei winced at how loud Kaori's voice was but grunted and rubbed his eyes before letting out a groggy sigh and lazily cracking open his eyes.

"Hmm?" He searched for the petite blonde violinist but couldn't see since everything was so blurry to him so he sat up and searched the bed he was in and couldn't find it but he felt someone tap his shoulder so he turned his head to where the tap came from and saw the silhouette of Kaori.

"Hey, Kaori, have you seen my glasses?" He rubbed his eyes to get the drowsiness out of him and yawned while thanking Kaori when she handed him his glasses.

"You're welcome. But first, get off the bed." Kaori pulled herself up more so she was leaning against the wall and nudged Kousei as he pushed on his glasses.

"What, why?"

"It's almost time for you to leave and if a nurse sees you on my bed with me it'd be too weird. Considering they're doctors, they'd start thinking wrong." Kaori nudged him again.

Kousei was a little disappointed at the reminder of having to leave but nodded and tossed his legs over the edge of the bed and reached for his shoes and slid them on while Kaori watched his hands move.


Kousei looked over his shoulder and put his feet down. "Yeah?"

Kaori was still staring at his hands. "Are you still gonna be playing piano?"

Kousei's breath hitched and he held it but he let it out and looked down at his hands, shrugging. "I don't know...I guess I am... I mean, all that trouble is all gone and I don't really feel as stressed as before."

Kaori smiled and nodded in satisfaction. "Good. Because I really do want to play with you again. It's been a long time since the first time we've played together. You still remember that promise right?"

Kousei gave her a small smile and nodded, leaning on his hands to give himself more leverage on the bed. "Yup. And I promise that I'll try and pick a good song we could both do together."

"Y'know...I was thinking that we could play the song that we weren't able to do together for the gala concert; Love's Sorrow?" Kaori was scared of what his reaction might be considering he was reluctant the first time she had asked. She knows that she heard he gave it his all that time she was in the hospital but who knows, he could still be stubborn. His response slightly surprised her.

Kousei widened his smile and nodded. "Yeah."

Kaori felt immense relief and her shoulders sagged while she let out a breath. "Thank goodness, I thought you'd refuse." She straightened herself and added, "Alright then. Here." Kaori held her hand out and Kousei just stared at with a furrowed brow.


"Give me your glasses."

Kousei was even more confused. "Wha- why?"

Kaori laughed quietly to herself and said, "Well, you know I wear glasses now - well, you should - so I wanna try yours on. Let me see how bad your eyesight is."

Kousei was about to say that he didn't know she had glasses but then he remembered about the letter and vanished that question from his head. "O-oh...okay." The pianist reached up with his slender fingers to grab his glasses and hand it over but Kaori unexpectedly grabbed them herself.

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