Torn Apart (Branara)

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Hey, I'm Sprinklez.  I haven't left an author note in the previous chapter of this collection.  Anything bolded and italicized is an author's note.  I hope whoever is reading this enjoys this one shot.  Just something random I thought up, just cause I wanted Branara.  Here you go, my lovelies.  Also, heads up, updates usually aren't frequent.

Brandon PoV

No one told me how hard emotions can impact you.  I guess I thought I was invulnerable.  No one told me that emotions can drive someone insane.  But I guess the Pack couldn't see this coming, and my other friends both on and separate from YouTube had no idea this would happen either.  But then again, none of them know this has happened to me.  How could they know?  I never told them.

Sure, they know Kara and I broke up, but they don't know why.  They don't know that she cheated on me with some guy I didn't know.  They think that our relationship just didn't work out and that everything is fine and dandy.  My family knows Kara has someone new, but they don't know that they got together while she was still dating me.

I still bring a positive attitude to the camera, don't get me wrong.  My fans have no idea of the torment I went through.  The worst part was how I found out.  Kara meant to send the picture of the person she cheated on me with to a new college friend but accidentally sent it to me.  She then admitted her mistake then reluctantly told me about Mike, I think it was.  The name of Kara's new boyfriend.

Let me tell you, Mike is handsome.  He looks like one of those bad boys I never thought Kara would run off with.  Six pack, cocky smile, perfect brown hair, shining blue eyes.  Just thinking about him makes me tear up.  He stole my jewel from me.  She was the reason I smiled in the morning when I got up.  But if she's happy with him, who am I to argue with the way life treats me?

I've considered cutting, but I've decided not to, mainly because I didn't want to face my parents if they found out.  It hurts to know that no one knows how much I'm hurting.  I enjoy those moments to myself when I'm alone and I can cry without any trouble at all.  When my parents aren't home, I even get to hit the wall until my knuckles are close to bleeding.

'You just need time, Brandon,' I think to myself.  'You'll eventually accept that she'll never want you back.'

I sigh, regretting everything I did wrong with Kara.  Every slip up, all of the times I embarrassed her on camera, the fact that I still am not good enough for her.  Tears start streaming down my face before I even know it.  I wipe my eyes, but the tears refuse to stop.

'She's not worth it,' I tell myself.  'She's not worth the tears.'

But... I want her.  Even after everything, I still want her.  Everyday, I hope Kara will run back to me with a good explanation for why she left me so we can be happy.  But she cheated on me.  But that's not it.  She cheated on me and claimed that she still loved me.  I had to end our relationship.  I couldn't have her choose in between me and someone more handsome than me. 

The sad thing is, I know Kara would never date a jerk.  I know she's happy with who she has.  And who am I to ruin that?  All I need to do is keep my distance.  If I do, my heart will eventually heal.  I'll be able to move on.  I'll find someone new.  I've just got to wait.

Everyone in the Pack sends me messages.  I say I'm fine, even though I'm not.  I don't need to be baby sat just because a girl left me.  I don't need help.  I'll be fine on my own.  I won't even tell anyone about Mike.  I'll move on, and everything will be okay.  Kara's happy.  Nothing will hurt me more than this.  This is the only obstacle I have to go over, then life will be a breeze from there.  I can do this.  I know I can.

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