Demigod Youtubers (The Pack) Part 4

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Welcome to the final part of of this series thing.  I told ya it would be cut short, and I followed through on that promise.  I do have one oneshot all cued up before I go on my hiatus thing I go on when I spend a lot of time between updates, but that's a Sidemen oneshot thing, so yeah.  Hope you enjoy and all dat jazz.

Jerome PoV

"How are we going to convince this kid's parents that he needs to go to this camp instead of here?"

I sigh at Tyler's question.  Tyler is an amazing satyr, don't get me wrong, but he knows how to make any situation stressful.  The positive side to this is there is a plan in place for how to do what needs to be done.  Negative side is the plan almost always never works.  There's always things we don't know or things we forgot about when planning.  Tyler says one of the students I'm teaching is a monster, so we don't have a lot of time.  For even better news, Tyler is an amateur, so he doesn't even know who the monster is.

"Parents or parent?" I ask.  "We know he's missing either his mom or dad."

"Definitely parents," Tyler responds.  "He's got a mom and a step father.  That means his godly parent is his dad.  I wonder who he is."

Tyler and I are staff at a summer camp for kids with all sorts of mental disorders who want to do better in school.  I teach History to dyslexic kids and kids who have ADHD.  I have seven different classes: one seventh grade class, one eighth grade class, two ninth grade classes, two tenth grade classes, and one eleventh grade class.  Their grade at this summer camp is the same grade they were in, not the grade this will be when school starts again.  Both Choco, the demigod in question, and the monster, whom Tyler has not yet identified, are in my second tenth grade class. 

It's weird that I'm the same age as most of my eleventh graders yet no one has realized that yet.  I'm going to be a senior in high school this upcoming year, which is probably one of the reasons why I'm not teaching twelfth grade.  Also, any demigod in twelfth grade who hasn't been discovered is either masked very well, the child of a very minor god or goddess, or is currently dead.  I'm also pretty sick of people calling me Mr. Aceti.  I'm basically peers with my students, but they act so formal around me.  Even the other teachers act formal around me, and although they call me Jerome, I'm expected to call them by their first name, which is going to end up being a bad habit for my senior year.  The only reason I got the job was because the camp was, and still is, understaffed.

Since Tyler came a little too late to apply as a teacher, he works as a janitor.  At the end of the school day, he cleans an area of the school and some of the classrooms, one of which is mine.  Whenever something in my classroom breaks, Tyler is the person I call in to fix it, which fortunately for our mission sometimes happens during class.  Next time Tyler comes into class during Choco's hour with me, he's going to check out Kallie, the only student in any of my classes who enrolled late and got in.  I'm glad I have Tyler because he's the only one who knows my loneliness as the only other staff here who isn't an adult.  At least I have a driver's license.

I look at the pile of tests and assignments I have to grade.  "I've got to grade these papers.  If you could help me, grading these would be easier.  It's hard grading sixty-one tests and one hundred and forty-three assignments when you have trouble reading English."

"It's hard to mop the floor and hide goat legs at the same time," Tyler responds.  "I cope on my own."

I sigh.  "I wish all of the tests and assignments could be done on the computer.  Then I could translate all of the stuff I have to grade into Ancient Greek and grading would be easy.  I'm lucky I'm able to do that with essays."

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